Chapter Four: Memory's and Laughs

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***Author's Note: Have you guys listened to Nervo: "You're Gonna Love Again" AND "Hold On"? They are awesome songs. Check it out. And check out "Clarity" by Zedd ft. Fleet Foxes. By the way, how many of you watch the Voice, in the US? Are you happy Danielle Bradbury won, or did you want Michelle Chamuel to win, or the Swon Brothers? Let me know. Sorry for the delay. I wanna know what you think. Here's chapter four, Enjoy! Don't forget to comment-vote-and/or follow me.


Chapter Four: Memory's and Laughs


I honestly don't know what happened at Camilla's office. One second we were joking and the next we were staring at each other intently. I felt this bolt of electricity and butterflies. Cam and I have been friends for years, since we were kids. It's actually very funny how we met. I'll tell you quick.

It was the first year of school, and I was this shy kid. And in the class of Mrs. Pine, there was a little girl, brown skin, short light brown wavy hair, and big eyes. She had a big mouth also; she read too much, spoke to soon, and had an answer for everything. But most of all, she had a cute laugh. It came bubbling out, and her giggle was so sweet. So there I was, the shy kid at school, and she came up to me one day, it was a Thursday, I remember perfectly. I had answered a question in class, and she looked over at me and smiled, her two dimples showing. I blushed and looked away. She was wearing a purple t-shirt and jeans with butterflies on them. It was spring; she came up to me as I was on the swings. She stopped right in front of me and said,

"You wanna be my friend?" Just like that. I stopped swinging, and I nodded.

"Okay." she said, and then she gave a huge grin, one that showed she was missing one of her front teeth. She grabbed my hand and started to lead me away from the swings.

"Where are we going?" I asked tentively. She looked back at me then said,

"To my secret place toopid." She grinned again, "Friends of mine get to know where that is. Ok?" (She was actually calling me stupid, but if came out like that.)

"Okay." I nodded. She kept holding my hand, and we kept walking, then we reached the other side of the playground, one that was hidden by Weeping Willows. She kept leading me, then she stopped, in the middle of all these trees, was a clearing, and we couldn't be seen. She had a table, and chairs. She looked at me and said, "Welcome." And just like that, it felt like home. It felt like I had found my true friend. And that was the beginning of our friendship. We'd meet there before and after school and play there during lunch. She'd want to play a lot of made up games, games she invented on her own. Cam's imagination has always been very active.

So, what happened at her office cubicle, it was familiarity, that feeling of knowing someone like you know yourself. That's what I feel like with Camilla. Nothing but friendliness. I hear a car honking behind me; I start moving and make it to my place. I get off and walk to my door. I get inside and shut it. Loki hears me and comes quickly, turning on his back so I can rub his belly.

"Hey boy. " I drop my keys on the front door table, and then bend down to pet him. I'm rubbing his tummy when my phone beeps. I take it out with one hand, the other still petting Loki. It's Niall.

Hey. Going 2 ur house.

OK       I press send and keep stroking Loki's black fur. Danielle and I adopted him a while back. Can you guess why I named him Loki? Did you guess? I named him Loki because I watch Thor, and Thor's brother's name is Loki. Did you get it right? I'm a mega nerd, like, I'm gonna go see Man of Steel. I love comic books and Cam's the same. Danielle tolerates my love for Sci-Fi and comic books.

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