Chapter Five Continued...

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Call me sneaky, but I knew that Tori was gonna be Niall’s type. Tori is one of my closest friends, we went to college together. And recently, like 4 months ago, she broke up with her scumbag of a boyfriend, and I know Niall is the sweetest and nicest lad I have met, besides Liam. I’m working my matchmaking skills. Let’s see if they work.

“Damn, these are good.” Says Niall.

“Thanks.” I tell him. I get up and I begin to clear the table.

“Cam, leave it. I’ll clean up.” Adam tells me. That’s why I love that handsome lad. He is 6’1, dirty blond hair, blue-green eyes and he has a nice build, buff, but not freakishly buff.

“Thanks Adam.” I kiss his cheek.

“I’ll help you.” Says Liam.

“Thanks Man.” Adam says. I walk to my speakers and connect my iPod. One comes “Take the Box” by Amy Winehouse. Adam and Liam come from the kitchen.

“Hey…” Adam  tells me.

“Yeah?” I turn around.

“Dance with me.” He doesn’t even wait for an answer. He grabs me and we dance. Liam does the same, and before I know it, everybody is slow dancing. I look for Tori and Niall, I find them dancing and I smile. Yes! I look at Liam and Daniele, they look so in love. I think of what happened at my office. That was nothing but being familiar with each other.

The song ends and we decide to play charades. Boy’s vs Girls. 15 Minutes later and we are tied. I’m up, this is the last round, and I wanna win so badly, I am a very competitive person. The way we play, we make up our own, so it makes it more fun and tricky. I grab my paper and look at it. It says STINKY FEET. I burst out laughing.

“Hurry up!” Harry screams at me.

“Okay, Okay. Don’t get your undies in a bunch.” I tell him. With my hand I make the sign 2.

“2 words?” asks Perrie. I nod. Then I make a stinky face and wave my hand in front of my face.

“hmmmm……Stinky!!” screams Tori. I nod. Then I point at my feet.

“STINKY FEET!!!” screams Eleanor.

“YES!!” I do a victory dance. “6-5, SUCKERS!” I tell the lads. They pout. It’s Liam’s turn.

He gets up and grabs his paper. He makes a 3 sign with his hand.

“3 words.” Says Zayn. He nods. He points at himself.

“I !!” screams Niall. Liam nods. He makes a random sign that looks like a hug.

“Hug!!!” screams Louis. Liam shakes his head NO.

“Bug!!!” scream Harry. We all look at him, like ‘Really?’

“What?” he says then shrugs.

Liam points at himself, and then does that weird hug thing, then points at the lads. Oh…it finally clicks in my head.

“I LOVE YOU!” I scream. Everybody looks at me. Liam has his eyes wide open and Daniele is squinting at me. “That’s what is.” I say.

“Yup. She got it right. ” Says Liam, he pouts, Liam is a very competitive lad. I get up and do a victory dance.

“WE WON!!!!” I scream. “SUCKERS!” I shimmy in front of Niall. Niall swats at me, but I move from his reach.

I tickle Harry, “Stop it…” he starts laughing. “Walking on a Tight Rope.” By Janelle Monet begins playing from my speaker. I get off Harry,

“I love this song.” I begin dancing. “This is my jam!” I tell everybody. “Whether you’re high or low…” I sing. Perrie joins me with the chorus, then Danielle starts doing some dance moves, and all of us join in. (The girls) Zayn gets up from the couch and begins rapping Big Boi’s lines. Niall, Louis, Harry and Liam join us and we do the In-betweener’s dance. Then we burst out laugh, Harry tackles me and begins tickling me.

“Say Uncle!” he screams tickling me.

“UNCLE!” I scream out, gasping for air. He gets off me, and then pulls me up to my feet. “Thank you.” I tell Harry, still laughing. “Smile” by Lilly Allen plays. My phone begins to ring. I go to the speakers and turn it down, and pick up the call,

“Hello?” I ask.

“Yes, Camilla, this is Mrs. Jacobs from 1A.” she says in her smoky voice.

“Hello Mrs. Jacobs.” I try not to laugh as Lou makes funny faces at me.

“You are disturbing the peace honey. Please lower your music.” She says.

“I am so sorry. I will. Sorry.” I wince. If we woke up Mrs. Jacobs who is half deaf, then we were very loud.

“It’s okay Miss Rojas. I used to be like you.” She says sounding pensive on what used to be.

“Really?” I ask, intrigued.

“Yes. If you come to tea tomorrow, I’ll tell you.”

“I’d love that. Goodnight and sorry again.”

“Very well, then. Goodnight Miss Camilla.” She hangs up. I place my phone down and burst out laughing.

“Who was that?” asks Louis.

“My…downstairs… neighbor.” I gasp out, I’m laughing so hard.

“You okay?” asks Adam.

“Fine.” I stop laughing. “She said we were disturbing the peace.”I says, shrugging.

“No way.” Says Niall, laughing. I go over to him and place a hand over his mouth.

“Shhh….” I say, and then I look at the clock. It’s 11.30pm. Damn, I work tomorrow and I need to be there early.  

“Well… We should get going.” Says Danielle.

“Yeah…” says the crew. I walk them over to the door.

“Night.” I say to them.

“Night Cam.” Says Niall, he’s standing next to Tori. Aww, that is so cute. I’m so happy that they hit it off.

“Here.” I tell him, handing him some of the leftovers.

“Thanks love.” He says kissing my cheek.

“Night.” Says Zayn, his arm draped over Perrie.

“Goodnight Camilla.” Says Danielle. Her arm wrapped over Liam’s waist. Liam waves at me and I wave back.

“See you tomorrow Cam.” That’s Olga. I saw her talking a lot to Harry. Hmmm…. Maybe there could be something.

“Bye Gorgeous.” Adam tells me, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

“Later peeps.” I say watching them get in the elevator. I wave then close my apartment door.

I turn off everything. Then head upstairs, I change into my PJ’S, a light purple camisole and boy boxers. I head to my bathroom and wash my face. I hear a knock just as I am finishing. I pat my face dry and go downstairs. I peek through the peep hole, it’s Liam. I open the door.

“What’s up?” I ask him.

“Forgot my cell.” He says walking to my coffee table.

“Okay.” I say, staying at the door.

“Thanks for tonight.” He says standing in front of me.

“Your very welcome.” I say. He looks at my clothes. I shrug; I pull my hair out of my messy ponytail.

“Night Liam.” I say, breaking the silence.

“Night Cam.” He says. Then he walks away. Okay, can I just say that was kind of weird? I close the door and head upstairs. I get comfy in my bed; Coco climbs the bed and curls up next to me. I start fading into sleep, and then I pass out.

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