Chapter Twenty: Making A Move

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I lost Camilla. I can’t find her. I wanna tell her a joke I thought of. I ask Paul and he says that Liam went looking for Cam and saw him going into the tour bus and not coming back. Now that he mentions it, Liam is missing also. What if something happened between Liam and Cam? I run to the bus. I go in and spot them sleeping. Liam is hugging her and they look adorable. I take my phone out and take a picture. Then I leave. Maybe something will happen between them, I know Zayn and I have talked about Camilla being in love with Liam. Even Harry knows, thanks to Olga, and Louis we told him. Only one that doesn’t know is Liam. I walk to the vending machines and get some chips, man I’m hungry!



I wake up slowly, not all at once, that’s why I don’t notice that someone is holding me in their arms. I feel warm and protected, then I feel the weight of arms on my waist, I follow those hands and see Liam’s face. What in the world? I scoot over and fall off the bunk, I land on my wrist.

“Ouch!” I exclaim and I sit up cross-legged. I cover my mouth, but Liam is already awake.

“Hey, are you okay.” He asks coming and sitting in front of me. I nod; it hurts so much I wanna cry a bit. I rub my wrist. “You’re sure? Let me see.” He says, then he gently takes my hand and looks at it. I watch him, his thick eyebrows are frowning, I love his eyebrows-weird I know, his lips are pursed, it’s amazing the urge I feel to kiss him and I start to cry quietly. He feels my gaze and then sees that I’m crying.

“Hey…why are you crying?” he asks me. “Does it hurt?” I shake my head no. It’s not because of my wrist; it’s this longing that I feel. This yearning that I have, it is too intense, for Liam, for a relationship with him, something I know I can’t have. I shake my head. He pulls me towards him and I end up sitting on his lap. I rest my head on his chest and he rubs my back. “Shhhh…. It’s okay.” He says quietly into my ear. He strokes my hair and moves it from my face. “It’s going to be okay love.” He whispers. He has my hand, the one that hurts, gently in his big hands, a tear lands on our hands. I stop crying and take a deep shuddery breath in. He grabs my chin and lifts my face so he can see me. “Better?” he asks. I nod and give a shaky laugh.

“I’m good.” I say quietly. He looks at me, a small smile on his lips. I’m still in his lap, I move to get off him, but he won’t let me go. “Um, Liam?”

“Yeah?” he says a big grin on his face.

“I need to get up.”I say a smile on my lips.

“Really? Why?” he asks me, moving his head to the side.

“Um…so we can…um…” I trail off; Liam is looking at me oddly. His eyes keep going to my lips, strange. I bite my bottom lip. I want to tell him that I love him, but I am so scared. This stupid ache hurts so much; sometimes it feels like I’m choking. We stay like that, him holding me, me in his lap, his hand intertwined with my hands, his eyes move over my face and to my lips. I see him leaning in towards me. (Can it be that Liam wants to kiss me?) I lean in and we meet halfway. When our lips touch, my eyes close. The kiss starts off slow and he kisses me cautiously and gently. Then he deepens the kiss, and it becomes more intense. My hands leave his hands and they go to his neck, I play with his hair. His left hand goes to my waist, and the right hand cradles my neck, he strokes my neck gently and softly.  We break apart for air, and I look at Liam, fear in my stomach but he’s smiling at me and that smile makes my fear disappear.

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