Chapter Fourteen:Taking Care of Cam

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A/N: Here is chapter Fourteen my amazing and awesome readers. I'd like to thank my sister Mayra, who reads my fanfic and gives me great advice and encourages me to keep writing. Also great thanks to Mac Malik who keep reading and telling me to keep writing. Thank you both!

Now enjoy chap 14!


Chapter Fourteen: Taking Care of Cam


I wake up with the worst headache ever. And the first thought that enters my brain is, Cam won’t be here to help me. Whatever! I don’t need her. I drag myself out of bed, and into my bathroom. I wash up and shower, then I head downstairs. I drink some Advil and down like three glasses of water. I prepare the kettle for tea. Where are the lads? I go look in the living room. Not here. I go upstairs and check the guest room. I find Zayn, sleeping. Huh! Where are Louis, Niall and Harry?



I wake up and push Niall's arm off me. Then I slip out of bed and wash up. I head to the kitchen after getting dresses in jeans and an old Rolling Stones t-shirt. A thought hits me, Liam is waking up to an empty house. Well, not exactly empty, Zayn is there. Hmmmm.... Why do I even care? After what Liam did to me. After the way he treated me. Oh, who am I kidding? I will always care for Liam. Even if he is beyond angry with me. What should I do? Idea! I go to the guest room and search for Harry's mobile. Found it! I quickly text Liam.

Hey. We spent the night @Cam's. Lou is with Eleanor. no worries.   

Then I press send. Then I put Harry's phone back. I head to the kitchen to start breakfast.



I get a text from Harry saying him and Niall stayed at Camilla's. Great! Those backstabbers!

"I don't need them!" I say out loud.

"Need who?" Asks a voice. I turn around and find Zayn.

"Niall and Harry." I respond.

"Why don't you need them?" He asks me. He's wearing shades. I bet his head hurts. I hand him water and two headache pills. "Thanks." He mumbles.

"They spent the night at Camilla's. can you believe that?" I ask him while buttering my toast.

"Are mad at them?" He asks. I look at him.

"What?" I ask him. Then I think for a second, who am I kidding, I'm not angry at them. "No." I respond.

"I thought so." He says. "You reacted wrong with Camilla." He says after some silence.

"She lied to me Zayn." I say.

"I know. But has she lied to you before?" He asks.

"No, but...she should've told me before." I say.

"Yeah, but it never occurred to her that Danielle would leave you."

"She still shouldn't have kept that from me." I take a bite of my toast.

"Okay." He stands. "Don't forget who's been there for you for years." He starts walking away.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"Take a shower." He disappears up the stairs. Camilla HAS been there for me since before my first audition do the X-Factor. But...she kept this from me. How do I know that she hasn't kept other things from me?



I wake up in a bed. I also notice that on the bedside table there is two pills and water. I take the pills and down the water. Then I get up and wash up. I think I'm in Camilla's flat. I head to the kitchen, the smell of blueberry waffles is intoxicating. I hear someone in the kitchen, singing lightly. Then I see her.  Camilla wearing a big t-shirt and dancing to "Play Hard." By David Guetta ft Neyo and Akon. I smile. She seems okay after that thing with Liam. I hug her from behind.

"Ahhhh!" She yells. I laugh and she swats me. "Harry!" She says then she starts laughing.

"Morning sunshine! How you holding up?" I ask her. Her smile wavers.

"So, so." She says. "I made waffles, eggs and bacon." She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I laugh. "Come on, let’s wake up Niall." She says with a sneaky smile. Oh...she's a trouble maker. We go to her bedroom. "Niall..." She sings in his ear. He covers his face. I walk up to the bed and I gesture to Cam. She nods and we shake the bed. Then we yell: "Earthquake!!!!!" Niall jumps out of bed looking startled. Cam and I fall to the floor laughing.

"Not cool!!" Yells Niall. That makes us laugh even more. Cam gets up from the floor and hugs Niall.

"Sorry Ni. I made waffles." She pouts. "Am I forgiven?" She does puppy dog eyes.  Niall smiles at her.

"Okay, forgiven." he slips an arm over her shoulders.

"Yay!!" She jumps up and down. Camilla is adorable. "Wash up." She says to Niall. "Harry, put a shirt on, please." Then she heads to the kitchen. I laugh and search in her drawers. What? Cam has some big t-shirts. I find a black one with Best Coast in it. I wonder who that is. I'll ask her later. Niall washes up and we go eat breakfast.


A/N: Camilla may seem like she's fine, but truth is, she's heart broken. =(

You'll see later. Now vote-comment, please and thank you!

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