Chapter Seventeen: Forgive And Forget

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Chapter Seventeen: Forgive & Forget


Last night, on the ride home, I talked to the lads. They all looked happy that I had gotten my head out of the gutter, or my butt.

“Tell her you’ve been a really big and stupid idiot.” Says Niall. I look at him,

“Gee, thanks mate.” Niall shrugs and says.

“Well you have.” Lou, Harry and Zayn nod.

“Okay, I admit I have been a bit of a douche-bag.”

“A bit?” asks Zayn.

“Try like a gazillion plus infinity.” Says Louis, and Harry nods. Niall, Zayn and I frown at them.

“Mate, that doesn’t make any sense.” I say.

“Sure it does. You been a bigggggg time jerk” he says. Again, Harry nods. Still not getting it, moving on.

“So I just apologize?” I ask.

“Yeah, be honest and admit you made a mistake.” Says Zayn.

“Yeah, it’s better to fix this now, before we go on tour, because it might be too late when we come back. You’ll never find another girl like Camilla.” Says Niall. The lads nod.

“Yeah Liam, Cam is like one in a million.” Says Harry. “Like my Olga.” He smiles dreamily.

“You mean like my Tori.” Says Niall, he too smiles like a doped up leprechaun.

“No, I mean like my Olga.” Harry says. I look at him,

“I thought you were ‘just friends’?” I ask him.

Were being the key word.” He says. I chuckle as Harry wiggles his eyebrows and gives me a naughty grin.

“Boo Bear! How could you?!” cries Lou very dramatically. We all laugh.

“What can I say?” says Harry. “I’ve moved on, I am tired of being the third wheel in your relationship with Eleanor.” He pats Louis.

“UGH! How could you?” Louis fake cries and Harry pats him. All out attention goes to Zayn as he says,

“Well, I can say the Mac is also very special.” He smiles shyly.

“You two hit it off?”I ask him. He nods,

“Yeah, she is very special and different.”

“Good for you mate.” I say. We reach Lou’s flat,

“Later bros.” says Louis in an American accent. We laugh. Same old crazy Lou.

We head to my flat; I guess they’re all spending the night. Tomorrow, without a doubt, I will talk and ask for forgiveness from Cam.


I wake up hangover free. I take a quick shower then walk downstairs to eat breakfast. I text Olga, I want to know where Camilla is.

Hey Olga. Where is Cam?


I’m gonna apologize 2 her.

About time


We’re headed to the office, wrk today. Stupid Marc!

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