Chapter Eight: Continued

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A/N: here is rest of chapter 8. update days are Monday and Friday. 2/aWeek.

Also, I need your help. I need a couple name for Camilla and Liam. any ideas? the one I like the best will get a dedication in the next chapter. okay? thanks! Enjoy!



I broke him. I did. He hates me. I'm crying on the street and I don't care. I have all my suitcases in my car. But I know I can't leave Liam like that. Broken, torn. His face showed so much anger and hurt.

I walk to my car and I sit behind the steering wheel, crying. I call Eleanor.

She picks up on the third ring.


"El... I...broke...Liam..." I sob out.

"Danni? Is that you?" She asks.


"Who did you break?" She asks.

"Liam!" I say, my sobs shaking me.

"What? Why?" She asks.

"I...broke up...with him..." I shudder out. I'm so stupid!

"Oh honey!" She exclaims. "Where are you?"

"In my car!" I cry out.

"Okay... Can you drive over to my place?" She asks.

"Yeah... I think I can..." I breath in. I've stopped crying uncontrollably.  But the tears are still rolling down my cheeks. I can't forget Liam's face. So hurt. Because I inflicted that pain.

"Okay. Come over." She says. I hear her whisper to Louis.

"Okay. Be there in a minute." I say. I sniffle.

"Okay. Drive safe." She says. "I'm sending Louis over to Liam's."

"Okay. Bye." I say to her.  

"Bye." she says, then I hang up. Good thing Louis won't be there when I talk to Elle. I don't want his judging eyes or his damn sassy comments. I need comfort.


A/N: Remember, this is FICTION. So, don't hate Danielle. I think she and Liam made a cute couple. But things happen.

Anyway, what do you think? hmmmm...... let me know below. Thanks!

Chpater Nine will be posted on Friday. Yay!!


PS: do you readers want a name? you know, like Demi Lovatic's fans are Lovatics, what do you want me to call you?

also, could you guys help me out with a couple name? for Liam and Camilla. the one I like the best, get the dedication next chapter. Thanks!

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