Chapter Thirty-Eight:Action Man

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A/N: Let the talking begin!!!!



Chapter Thirty-Eight: Action Man


I realized what Tori meant when she said “by the time you realize that you made a big mistake, it might be too late.” And now I fear the worst. I need to talk to Danielle and make things right with Camilla. I finally took my head out of my bum and realized that I do love Camilla. I was too stupid, too blind, too prideful and too blinded by an old flame. I went looking for Danielle because its time we talked.

“We need to talk.” I said to her and she sort of smiled.

“Okay, let’s talk.” She said and we walked to the tour bus, once we got inside I turned around and faced Danni.

“Danni, there is something we need to talk about.” I said and she nodded.

“I know. You’re in love with Camilla.” She said and I looked at her shocked. How did she know?

“Not necessarily” I said and Danielle rolled her eyes at me.

 “I’m not blind Liam. I can see the way you miss her so much. Plus…. I think it’s a good idea if we break up.” She says and I smile slightly.

“You do?” I asked and she nodded. “You’re not just saying this to make it easier for me, right?”

“No Liam. I realized that you care so much and love Camilla so much, I was blind not to see that in the first place. I think you were blind and scared, that’s why you walked away.” She says and I look at her.

“Scared, of what?” I ask.

“Of something new. You were unsure if this thing with Camilla would work out or not so you checked out before things got serious. It’s okay to be scared, it means you have a lot to lose and it means that you’re scared because you love someone so much you can’t bear the thought of losing that person.” She says and her eyes are sad.

“I think you may be right. I just think that it might be too late for Cam and I. I messed you so badly.” I say and Danielle takes my hand.

“Liam, it’s never too late. She might be reluctant at the beginning but you have to convince her that you won’t let her go. That you will stick by her no matter what. Make sure she knows how much you love her.”  Danielle says to me and smiles.

“You’re so smart. And I’m sorry this didn’t work out.” I say to her.

“It’s okay. Now go get your love and don’t let it go.” She says and I stand up but stop. “What is it?” she asks.

“I can’t go. We’re on tour. We have two more shows.” I say and Danni stands up.

“Two more days?” she asks and I nod. “Okay, just don’t forget what I told you.” She says and begins to pack up. I knew she was going to leave, I mean, how could she stay after her and I broke up, again. I stay with her until she’s done. “I’m leaving now Liam.” She says to me. I nod.

“Take care Danielle.” I say and we hug.

“You too Liam.” She says before leaving. I stay behind and look at my phone. Maybe I can call her. I press call and hold my breath. I hope she takes me back.

“Hello?” I hear her answer.

“Camilla.” I say and I hear her take in a sharp breath.

“Liam?” she asks.

“Yeah.” I say with a smile, I missed hearing her voice.

“What do you want?” she asks me roughly and I wince.

“To talk to you.” I say.

“I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want to talk, see, or hear you?” she says and I know it is gonna be a tough battle ahead.

“You did, but I wanted to…” I start but she cuts me off.

“Please leave me alone Liam.” She says quietly and it hurts me.

“I’m sorry Camilla. I really am.” I say and I don’t hear anything. “Cam??” I ask.

“Goodbye Liam.” She says and hangs up. Well that went well. What am I going to do to get her back? I am not giving up the easily.



Liam called me. I was shocked that he called me, I didn’t want to talk to him, but I answered the call. He apologized but I don’t think he’s sincere. I don’t know what to think. I want to take him back, but I don’t trust him anymore. And I’m still in love with him, but…why is love so damn complicated?

I hung up on him and I hope after this he will leave me alone. I shut my phone off since Olga, Nicholas, that would be Olga’s cousin, and I are going to Miami on vacation. Olga looked at me funny when I said Liam’s name but I let her know I am okay. I will be fine. I will get over Liam. I have to, for my sake. Oh, who am I kidding? I will always love Liam no matter how many times he’s pushed me away, but I have a feeling this love of ours is toxic. He’s all I ever wanted and even now, after him choosing Daniele over me, I still love him so much. But it’s impossible for us. Well, for me to take him back is gonna take a whole lot of convincing. Trust is something I value so much. And if that trust is lost, what is left?


A/N: So… is Camilla being a dumdum for not taking him back so soon? Let me know. And Liam finally saw the light…yay! Comment. Thanks!

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