Chapter Twenty-Four:How Great Thou Art?

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A/N: Here is chapter 24, enjoy!


Chapter Twenty-Four: How Great Thou Art?


I wake up to an empty bed and the soft sounds of music playing. I get up and wash up, as I make my way to the kitchen I see Camilla wearing an oversized t-shirt that grazes her thighs, I don't think she has shorts on under there, and dancing to "Jenny Don't Be Hasty" by Paolo Nutini. I watch for a while, she's so happy and singing along. When she turns around she spots me,

"Hey! Morning sleepy head!" she says happily to me.

"Good morning." I say making my way over to her. I grab her by the waist and kiss her. She slips her arms over my neck and I pull her closer. I nibble on her bottom lip and she giggles. She pulls back and looks at me,

"Hungry?" she asks me. I smile.

"Yeah." I say and she tries to move from my embrace. She looks at me confused, "Hungry for something else." I grin at her and she blushes. Before she can say something I kiss her again, this time more hungrily than before and she gives in to my kiss. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my torso. I carry her to the couch and sit down. I run my hands up her sides to her shoulders and she shivers.

"Liam..." she whispers in my ear. I kiss her again and she moves closer to me. Her hands are in my hair and stroking my neck. I tug at her shirt and she pulls back. "I can't..." she says to me and I nod. Camilla is saving herself till marriage and I get that.

"Okay." I say kissing her again. "I understand." I say kissing her neck. I hear her sigh and I give a low laugh. She stands up and starts walking away; I pull her back from the waist and sit her on my lap. She laughs; her back is pressed into my chest, my arms around her. I move her hair and kiss her neck. Cam leans back into me and turns her head slightly and I kiss her lips. When we break apart, her lips are red and a bit swollen from where I was nibbling. I kiss her lightly and we both get up.

"I was making pancakes." She says to me as we walk to the kitchen.

"Yum!" I say. She busies herself in the kitchen making pancakes while I make myself some tea.

After breakfast Cam goes and takes a shower. While she does that, I go online and check my twitter account. I tweet back some people, post a picture and then I log off. I'm watching TV when I hear Camilla come out of the shower. I pause the TV and I can hear her sing quietly along to "Human." By Darren Criss. I smile, I like to hear her sing, she's not the best singer but she's not the worst. I remember that while we were on tour, Niall taught her how to play guitar and she learned quickly. Josh was trying to teach her drums but she would go all crazy on them so we had to make her quit. I chuckle at the memory.

"What are you laughing at?" I turn around and find Cam looking at me.

"That time when Josh tried to teach you to play the drums." I say and Cam laughs.

"That was horrendous!!" She says with a laugh. "Are we gonna go out?" she asks me.

"Yeah, you want to?" I ask her.

"Sure. What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know." I say thinking about what to do.

"Well, Adam told me about an awesome new art gallery, if you want to go." She says to me, smiling. I can tell she wants to go.

"Yeah, we'll go." I say and she cheers.

"It's on a rooftop." She says breathlessly. I get up and kiss her.

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