Chapter Nine: Reactions

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 A/N: Hello! okay, so here is chapter 9. next update is on Monday.

dedication to: Macayla, she came up with a name for Camilla and Liam- CIAM. Let me know what you think. Oh, and vote if you liked it.


Chapter Nine: Reactions


I hang up with Danni and Louis is shooting daggers at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Why are you comforting her?" He asks. "After what she did to Liam?" He sounds angry.

"Lou, be reasonable." I put my hand on his chest. "Please?" I ask. He nods. Then he kisses my forehead.

"I texted the lads and we are all going over to Liam's." he says. I nod.

"Okay. Text me later to know how he is." I say to him.

"I will." He turn to leave, but then asks, "Should I call Cam?"

"Why Cam?" I ask.

"Because they're good friends." He says. I nod.

"Yeah. Just let her know. I think Liam need to be with the lads now. No girls just yet." I say to him.

"Yeah, okay. That makes sense. I'm spending the night with Liam, okay?" He asks me. I nod. He quickly kisses my lips and then he leaves. Oh my god, poor Liam.



I was watching a movie with Perrie when my phone goes off. I check and it's Louis. His text says,

Danielle broke up w/ Liam. Meet me @ his place. NOW!

"Perrie, I have to leave. Something came up with Liam." I say getting up.

"What came up?" she asks me.

"Daniele broke up with Liam. Can you believe that?" I ask her grabbing my coat and stuffing a tequila bottle in my backpack.  I look at Perrie and she looks like she knew. I frown. I'll ask her later.

"No, I can't believe that. That's messed up." She says to me. I nod.

"I'm gonna go over. I might stay. I'll let you know. Okay?"

"Okay. Love ya." She says and I kiss her on the lips. Then I walk out of our flat and to my car. I get in and drive to Liam's place. Poor lad.



As I watch Zayn leave, I exhale. I had no idea I had been holding my breath. I grab my phone and text Eleanor.

Is Danni w/ u?

Yeah. Coming?

Yeah Be there.

Okay. See u here. Bring something to drink. Preferably alcohol. :)

Okay. :)

I grab my coat and my keys. I lock up my flat and head to the parking garage. In my car, I drive to the closest liquor store and buy a big bottle of tequila. Danni is gonna need it. I pay, get back in my car, and I drive to Eleanor's flat. Before getting off, I sit in the drivers seat thinking. Danni had the guts to do what I can't. 

I sigh and get off. I run to the building because it has started to rain. I get to El's flat and ring the door bell. El opens and I find a sobbing Danni on the couch. I walk towards her and give her a big hug. Tonight is a night full of heartache.



I was out on a date with Olga. I know that I said that we are just friends, but I really like her.

Anyways, Lou texted me telling me that Danni broke up with Liam. I was shocked. Liam was right. Poor bloke. I ended the date, Olga understood, and after I dropped her off at Cam's flat, I drove to Liam's place.

I get to Liam's place and I knock. Zayn open the door.

"Hey mate." He says letting me in. "We were waiting for you." He says. I walk in and find Louis and Niall sitting in the living room with the tv on.

"Where's Liam?" I ask them. 

"Sleeping in his room." Says Niall. I nod.

"Are we waiting for him to wake up?" I ask them. They nod.

"Well, you don't have to." We hear Liam say. We turn to find him standing in the doorway.



I fell into a deep dark sleep. Even though I was asleep, I was still conscious that Danielle had left me.

I woke up to the sound of the TV on. My first thought was: is she back? So I go downstairs, but I find the lads instead. Great! I don't want or need there stupid pity. I'm a grown man. I don't need them. I don't need anyone!



Liam stands in the doorway looking at us with distaste in his eyes.

"Liam..." Starts Niall, walking towards him, but Liam cuts him off.

"I don't need your pity. Okay?" He says looking at of us. We nod. "Okay." He walks to the living room. We trail behind him. He walks to the front door and opens it. "You blokes are NOT needed. You can leave!" He waits. But none of us moves. "Fine! Don't leave!!" He slams the door. And storms to his living room.

"So...tequila shots?" Asks Zayn holding a tequila bottle.

"Yeah." Says Liam without any enthusiasm. Niall brings shot glasses, limes and salt. Zayn pour each of us a shot. "Drink up!" Says Zayn and we do as he says. Tonight is a night of carelessness.


A/N: OKAY, this was not as eventfull, but I promise, chapter 10 is very intresting. and I hope funny.

okay, comment-vote-and/or follow me. also, if you like my story, tell people about it. Thank you!

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