Chapter Elleven: More Bad News

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A/N: Okay, first off, here is chapter 11. second, it's a bit, um, emotional. WARNING: I BREAK ZAYN. SORRY!!!!



Chapter Eleven: More Bad News


I head home to Perrie after Liam stopped Louis from killing Niall. Harry just smiled like everything was normal. Which in our case, it is. I drove home and parked. When I unlocked my front door, I find Perrie standing beside a bunch of suitcases.

"Zayn. What are you doing home?" She asks me.

"I live here. Where are you going? Tour doesn't start yet." I say to her. I close the door and walk to her.

"I know. Um...I, uh..." She looks nervous. I have a bad feeling about this. Please, don't let her be leaving me, please.

"Perrie?" I ask moving my head to the side. Her eyes fill with tears. "Please...don't." I plead. She shakes her head.

"I'm so, so sorry Zayn." She whispers. I let a breath out. My eyes fill with tears.

"Why?" I ask.

"I hate the rumors. The lies. The distance." She looks away from me.

"Perrie, does this have to do with Danielle?" I ask.  Maybe Danielle talked her into dumping me.

"No! It has to do with me! I'm unhappy! Why can't you understand that?!" She raises her voice. She's no longer sad, she's mad.

"Unhappy?!" I raise my voice also. "What did I ever do to make you unhappy?!" I ask.

"Don't you get it!! It's not you!!" She runs her hands through her hair. Frustrated.

"I'm trying! But I just don't get you!!" I scream. I don't get why she's unhappy.

"Try harder Zayn! I can't be living like this! We've grown apart. Don't you see that?!" She looks at me.

"Grown apart?" I mutter out sarcastically. "You mean you got to famous for me?! Is that it?!"

"Get your head  out if your butt!!! As people!!! You idiot!!" She yells at me.

"Explain it to me!" I say.

"I'm not the same girl you began dating. I want different things." She sits in the couch. Her voice is calm and that scares me more than her anger. "We're going in different directions Zayn. Why haven't you seen that?" She looks at me from the couch. I bend down in front of her and grab her hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't see that we are growing apart. I would've fought for us." I say quietly. Perrie has tears streaming down her cheeks. I wipe them away. "I'm so sorry." I say again. I feel the tears I was holding fall and go down my face.

"I am sorry also." She says.

"I love you." I say.

"Me too. Just not the same way." She says. I kiss her forehead as I stand up.

"I'll let you leave." I say quietly, and then I walk to the door and grab my keys. I close the door quietly. As the door closes I can literally feel my heart breaking. I just lost the person I love because of the career I have. Sometimes I hate my life.



I was hoping in vain I would not have to confront Zayn. But I did. And I broke him. Just like Danielle broke Liam. I sigh. Breaking up with Zayn has been the hardest thing I've had to do. He walked away. After realizing that our relationship is already gone. That there is nothing left to fight for. Because the battle ended before we even noticed the war had begun. Zayn and I have been living as friends, not lovers. I don't know where our relationship became comfortable and the romance died. I'm not complaining about the comfort, but what I mean, is that we got into this routine that smothered the love and all that was left was two people who lived together. Same boring routine. I don't know where or when or why we stopped fighting for our love. Now all I have left is this my life. My career. I get up from the couch and drag my suitcases to my car. I get in and drive to Jesy's place. She opens the door and once she sees me, she wraps her arms around me. I cry on her shoulder.

"Oh honey." She whispers as she rubs my back. She pulls me in, with my stuff. I hate that I did that, but when does one draw the line and fights for their own happiness? I needed to do that. My relationship had died. And now I was dying. My soul, little by little, it was being smothered by a loveless love life. I drew the line. And that meant having to say goodbye to Zayn. A bloke that I love, but not in a romantic way, a bloke that I admire for his smarts, for his fire and drive, for his persistence, for his charm. You know how that song goes, every rose has its thorn. That's true. Love can be bliss and amazing if you fight for it. But love can strangle you, it can hurt you if you stop fighting for your love. With these thoughts swimming in my head, I fall asleep.



I hear someone banging my door. I quickly get downstairs and open the door. I find Zayn, looking like a lost soul. 

"Zayn! You okay?" I ask him, pulling him inside.

"Perrie and I...uh...we are over." He says. He walks to my kitchen and grabs a vodka bottle, pouts himself a shot and downs it.

"Over?" I ask, "you guys broke up?"

"Yeah. Some mumbo-jumbo about growing apart." He says, pouring himself another shot. Damn, this is bad. I quickly text the other lads. Zayn hands me shot and we down them. What is it? Break up month? By the time the other blokes get here, Zayn and I are tipsy.

"You don't need her." I slur.

"And you don't need Danielle." He says.

"Shhhhh..." I put my finger to my lips, "don't mention her name. I don't wanna hear it." I say. Slurring.

"Okay. Deal." He says. We hear knocking and I stumble towards the door. I open and Harry, Louis and Niall stand there.

"Heeeyyy..." I say to them.

"Liam, you okay?" Asks Niall.

"Purrrrfect." I say. I close the door behind them. We walk to the living room.

"Lez drink!" I yell. Another night of carelessness, here we come.


A/N: OKAY, sorry for breaking Zayn, but I have great things planned ahead. So be patient and kind. Allright, that's it. Monday is next update.

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