Chapter 42-PART TWO: Just You And I, Sort Of.

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Chapter Forty-Two:

PART TWO: Just You And I, Sort Of.


The next morning it all hit me like a train. (Okay, when I say morning I mean around 12 or 1 pm, so afternoon.) I could not give up on Liam. Love is all about forgiveness and learning from our mistakes. Plus, I was still madly in love with Liam, how could I just turn my back on that? And I had seen him make a laughing stock in-front of so many people when the girl he was confessing his love to was not there. And that midnight serenade sort of sealed the deal.

After breakfast, yeah I stopped to eat. This ain't the movies where the girl rushes through the rain to get to the guy. Hell, if it begins to rain, I'm taking the car. I'm not about to go in the rain in the middle of December, heck no! And anyways, this is my life and I need to eat before I try to get the love of my life.

Since it did not rain, I ran as fast as I could and almost kicked down the Payne's door. Karen, Liam's mum, opened. (I ran because it's not far from my house and it's good for the body and environment.)

"Camilla!" she sounded shocked to see me panting (not full blown panting, but I was tired of running) on her front door steps. I would too if someone was sweating and bending over to get some air.

"Mrs. Payne..." I started.

"Call me Karen." she said and I nodded. "After all we're going to be family." I looked at her shocked at her bluntness. I'm pretty sure my eyes were threatening to fall out of my eye sockets. "Oh Honey..." she shakes her head, "He's at the old place you took him the first day you met."

"At the school?" I asked. Karen nodded. "Thank you!!" I leaned in and hugged her.

"See you later." she said as I ran away. I stopped by my house to change and take a quick shower because I was sweating like a pig, (and who would want someone smelling when you need to profess your love to the man you love? No one!) then I snatched the keys up and ran out to the car. Its kinda far ( abuot an hour) so running there was out of the question and it was starting to get dark since I took some time to get ready. It's time I made things right with Liam.

As soon as I parked the car I jumped off and made my way to the willow trees. I saw lights from far away and I assumed it was Liam. I really hoped it was Liam! As I got closer, I noticed that there was a table set for two, candles on the table and lights on the ground forming a path. And then I saw him, he had his back to me but he heard my footsteps on the dry leaves, once our eyes met I smiled at him. Oh, how much had I missed him!

"Liam..."I started but Liam cut me off.

"Camilla." he said. "I thought you weren't going to show. But then my mum called and said you stopped by the house looking for me." He said and I smiled.

"Liam..." I started again because I had to talk to him, apologize.

"Thank you for coming." he said to me with a huge smile on his lips. "I'm glad you came."

"I'm glad also. We need to talk." I said and his smile disappeared. Wrong words to use, damn it Camilla, get it together. I scolded myself. "Actually, I need to talk." I took a deep breath and then walked closer to him, "I'm so sorry for being such a stubborn ass. I..." I paused searching for the right words. I saw Liam smile and it gave me confidence to just be honest and to try, "I was being too stubborn to see that you had proven to me that you do in fact love me. I was being an idiot. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Liam for the way I acted with you and I hope that I'm not late. I hope that you can give us another chance." I stopped walking as soon as I was standing in front of him. I reached out and touched his face. "I love you. I always have and I always will." I paused, "And I think I'd miss you even if we never meet." I said to him and he chuckled.

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