A Note From Me:

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So hello My Lovely's....its the end of Moments In Time and I am sad! But very proud that I have finished it. Yay for me!!!

If you are wondering what I have planned next here is what I have in mind. I have a story called  "Lyrics to My Heart", also a fan fic. So, follow me to that one if you would.

I'm gonna be doing the same thing I did with this one, if you want to be a girl friend of one of the lads, let me know. On my message board I will post who will be single and who will not.  Message me!!!  

I'm also gonna be working on "Anything But.." this one is a short story and not a fan fiction. So...two story's at the same time. Will I be able to do it? Well see.

Also, the schedule will remain the same for Lyrics To My Heart, (which I will refer to as LYRICS) & for Anything But... MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS will be update days.

I have loads more stories that I have planned, some will be One Direction Fan Fiction, some won't. But if you like the way I write, then I encourage you to read my other stories. If you have an ideas on what you think I should write, let me know and I'll see if I can.

Loads of love to all of you who stuck by me since the beginning. You made me continue when I was thinking of giving up. Your comments made me glad that I was writing. So thank you so much!!! I hope you continue with me on my journey of writing.

I refer to you as my Lovely's because of my name, MIMLUV. Just in case you were wondering why I said that at the beginning. I read somewhere that MIM was Lady in some language, I can't remember which. So...if you think about it, my author name is LadyLove.

Okay, enough of my yapping. Till next story!

xoxo- MimLuv

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