Chapter Thirty-Two: Post Break-Up Outing

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Post Break-Up Outing


I came out of my bathroom and Adam was waiting for me. I smile at him.

"How you holding up love?" he asks me. I shrug at him. He nods, "I get it." He wraps me in his huge arms and I smile.

"I gotta get dressed." I say quietly. I show him out of my room and I lock the door and get dressed. I stand in my walk-in-closet trying to figure out what to wear. I sigh, dress? Ugh! I don't even wear them to work. Jean and t-shirt? Hmmm.... I don't think so, Adam and Niall might take me clubbing or dancing. So that's out of the question. "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear comes on and I smile. I really like that song. I have an idea. I grab my phone and text Mac and Tori, I need help getting dressed.

15 minutes later I hear Niall open the door.

"Tori, what are you doing here?" he asks her.

"Hello to you too babe." I hear Tori say and Niall apologizes. "Cam texted me and Mac. So we came. Where is she?"

"In her room." Says Adam. I unlock the door and I pull them in.

"Cam, are you okay?" Tori asks me.

"Yeah. You guys up for going out?" I ask them. They nod.

"Good thing I dressed up before coming." Says Tori. I smile.

"I brought Zayn, is that okay?" Mac asks me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask. She shrugs. "I need some help getting dressed. I have no idea how to dress post-break up." I say.

"Okay then, let's get to work." Says Mac. I smile; I knew I could count on the girls.

40 minutes later my hair is in lose waves, my makeup is smoky and red lips for a pop of color. I slip on into my Moto Black Coated Biker jeans from TopShop, then I put on my red sleevless v-neck top, I put on black socks before I put on my Anyah black stiletto boots. To top it off, I grab my black leather jacket and bright red scarf. For earrings I put on my beaded feather earrings, and a stack of my brass bracelets. I'm good to go. I look at Mac who is also a bit rock-edgy, her black floral jeans, black combat boots and her peachy peplum blouse paired with a black leather jacket make her look awesome. And Tori had on a black and white contrast collar dress paired with black leggings and cream colored oxfords. We looked awesome and coming out of my room, the guy's reaction told us we were right. I grabbed my studded clutch and threw in my house keys, my iPhone and my red lipstick for a touch up.

"You ready?"Adam asked me. I shrugged.

"I'm not ready but I'll try." I said to him. He smiled and said,

"That's my girl." He says putting an arm around my shoulders.



Danielle and I are at my flat, she's getting ready because we're going out to dinner. I'm lying on my bed waiting for her. My thoughts keep drifting to Camilla's reaction. I don't know what I expected her to do. I wasn't necessarily hoping she'd be reasonable; I just didn't expect to lose her. She kicked me out of her flat, she pushed and shoved me, hit me, yelled at me, and I get that reaction. If she had been leaving me for dog park bloke I would've reacted similar. But I would continue being her friend, right? I'm going to give her her space and then I'm going to try and get her back to be my friend.

"Liam?" I hear and I look up to see Danielle's beautiful face.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You seemed lost in though." She states.

"No, just thinking about tour." I lie. I don't want to hurt her by thinking about Camilla.

"Okay, you ready?" she asks me. I nod.

"Let's go." I say getting up and taking her hand in mines. Once inside the car, Danielle flips through radio stations. I remember going to the gallery with Cam and the way she played DJ, I smile at the memory. I drive to the restaurant that Harry recommended to me. It's a small Italian place that serves the best food, it's private and cozy. Olga told Harry about this place and they came. I hand my keys to valet bloke and take Danni's hand.

Once we order our food, Danielle looks at me and says,


"Yeah?" I say looking up from my wine glass.

"I was about I go on tour with you. For a while before I head back to New York.

"I'd love that." I say. Danielle smiles at me, having Danielle will be awesome. Having Danielle back in my life will be awesome.


A/N: Do you think Liam is lying to himself? Let me know in the comments section.

Also- Camillia's outfit is in the media section.

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