Chapter 41-PART TWO: The Dinner

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Chapter Forty-Two:

Part Two: The Dinner


I got off the car and stood beside it while my parents reached the front door. I gulped.

"Don't stall honey." I heard my dad say. I breathed in deep and braced myself. Here it goes. I made my way to the Payne's front door while my parents rang the doorbell and then we waited.

"Mariana! George! Camilla!" exclaimed Liam's mum Karen. "Come on in." she said with a huge smile. "Nicola! Ruth! Geoff! The Brendan's are here." She said and I saw Nicola, Ruth and Liam's dad come out. I braced myself. (Oh, I bet you're wondering why I have a different last name, I use my mum's madden surname. My dad owns a small chain of business so his last name is very well known. I wanted to make way for myself so I use a different last name.)

"Camilla! Honey, it's good to see you." Karen said to me and then hugged me.

"Nice to see you too." I smiled back as she let me go.

"Cam!" exclaimed Ruth.

"Ruth!" I exclaimed back at her. Then we embraced. Okay, so I over reacted. I tend to do that a lot.

"Niall told me you were in Miami." Ruth stated as Karen hugged me.

"Yeah, I was. But I came back two days ago." I say and then Liam's dad gives me a hug also.

"Interesting. Didn't like Miami?" Karen asked.

"Too sunny for my taste. I'm used to cloudy and rainy weather." I joked with them.

"Oh hush!" my mum choked out. "She was homesick." She says then kisses my cheek.

"Mum!" I exclaimed. The Payne's laughed.

"Shall we sit down to eat?"Asked Karen.

"Absolutely." Said my father. I shake my head and we all walked to the dining room.

"It smells good." I told Liam's mum.

"Thank you sweetheart." She said.

"Do you need any help setting up?" I asked.

"If you want to." She said to me and I went to grab plates, silverware and glasses. I already know where everything is at since I've been here so many times. After I finish setting up, I go back to the kitchen and help bring the food in.

"'s work?" Karen asked me.

"Great. Just wrote a new column today." I said to her as I grabbed the potatoes.

"That's lovely. Did you know that Liam and the band are nominated in the Teen Choice Awards for best band?" she asked me, she sounded nonchalant. I wonder where this conversation is headed.

"No I did not. Good for them." I said while I chopped some basil.

"Yes, good for them." She says looking at me cautiously. I smile at her and continue chopping.

"Liam is doing great by the way. He was here two days ago, but had to leave on urgent business." She says to me. I grip the knife harder, okay, so she's trying to talk about Liam and me.

"Good for him. Spending time with family is always important." I said to her.

"Yes it is. Liam has always put family first. And even though sometimes he might stray or make the wrong choice, he always makes up for it." She said to me and I stared at her. Okay, so subtle is not Liam's mum forte.

"Mum!" exclaims Ruth as she hears what her mum just said.

"What is it Ruth?" she asks innocently.

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