Life After All The Madness

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Epilogue: Life After All The Madness

-2 years later-


I'm rushing. I hate rushing. It's our two year anniversary and I know Liam wants to surprise me, but to be honest I don't really care what he gives me, being with him is all I need. So here I am, slipping into a black cocktail dress and heals. Brushing my waist long hair (I let it re-grow after I chopped it off) and putting on some earrings and bracelets. I rush out of my room and head downstairs. We're at Liam's parents home, being back from tour, Liam got everybody together for a dinner. Niall's, Louis's, Harry's and Zayn's family is here. Oh, mines also. And the respective partners of all.

I bet you're wondering about the couples, so here is an update: Eleanor and Lou decided to tie the knot last year, which I was so happy for. And even when Danielle showed up, which she did because her and Eleanor are friends, I couldn't care less. I trust Liam completely and fully and I know how much he loves me.

Zayn and Macayla are still dating, no plans on marriage. But they're very happy and gping strong. Niall and Tori, those two are so in love it makes Liam and me ashamed considering we've known each other longer. They're so cute and adorable, they married after Lou and Elle tied the knot and Tori is expecting a baby boy and Niall, he's about to burst with joy. (Hey, I just rhymed without meaning to!) I'm gonna be an Aunty!

Harry and Olga, those two are just so good, they fit perfectly with each other, even when they had a huge fight and broke up, Liam and I got them back together, they still have fights, but they make up. I can totally see them growing old together.

Liam and I... two years together, I'm beyond happy. And Liam, well he's made good on his promise, as have I. And even though once in a while, we have our fights, we try to make up before we sleep. Love isn't perfect, Liam isn't perfect, I'm not perfect, but together we have our moments in time where it almost seems perfect, our own kind of perfect. We know that we are meant for each other and we remind each other of the hell we went through when we were apart. And we never want to go back. Never!

I'm looking around, when I feel arms around my waist. I turn and find a smiling Liam. I peck his lips.

"Hello my love." He says to me.

"Hello." I say. We walk over to where his parent and my parents are talking. Liam hands me a glass of pink champagne. I love pink champagne.

"I would like everybody's attention!" He says, tapping his glass with a fork. I stick my fingers in my mouth and whistle. That gets everybody's attention. "Thanks babe." He says and I nod, smiling. "Okay, first off, thanks everybody for coming today. And second, I would like to ask my beautiful and lovely girlfriend to be my beautiful and lovely fiancé." he's smiling at me.

Wait, what? Is he proposing? Ahhhh!!!!! Thanks Liam, now I can't say no with everybody looking at me. Kidding!! Why wouldn't I wanna marry Liam Payne?

"Of course I'll be your fiancé you silly dum-dum." I say. He leans in and kisses me. Then he slips on a ring on my finger. It's a heart snapped stone and not too big, he knows I hate flashy things. I'm on the moon with happiness. Who knows when the wedding will be. All I know is that I will enjoy every moment.

One thing I've learned is that there is no rushing in love. If it's meant to be it will happen, it may be 2 months from now, or in my case, 17 years later. I will always stand by the fact that being friends first is best. Liam and I were friends first and that helped us to get to get to know each other better. It creates moments in time. And those moments I wouldn't change for anything in the world because it meant having those moments with the person I love the most. All the moments where Liam and I were apart or together, they helped us. Breaking up with Liam meant growing as individual people and it helped us to know if we truly loved each other. I mean, it was painful as heck, but having him come back to me after made up for it. Losing me was what made him realize that he did love me. If I had know I would have left him earlier, but then again timing is everything. There is nothing I would change because it made those precious moments in time, moments that I got to share with the man I love, moments what I will forever cherish, and those Moments in Time that will keep happening because Liam and I have more memories and moments to create.



A|N: prologue coming soon.

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