Chapter Thirty-Four: Airport Goodbyes

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A/N:hello there. Here is chapter 34. Hope you like it. Enjoy!


Chapter Thirty-Four: Airport Goodbyes


Niall asked me to see him off at the airport, partly because Tori couldn't. And because him and I have built a really strong friendship these past few months. He's like the brother I never had, except I do have brothers. Okay, he's the brother I wished I had.

So here I am, sitting at the airport, waiting for him to arrive and I'm dreading the moment I see Liam. He and Danielle got back together, and she's going with him on tour. Taking the spot that was mine, but I backed out. I could've gone with them, but seeing Liam and Danielle all lovey dovey will be insufferable. Considering that my column is a big hit, I will update readers about One Direction once a week. And for that I don't need to be on tour with them. Niall and I agreed that we would Skype so I would know what's going on. I spot a blonde head, there is Niall. And that's when I see them, holding hands and talking. I feel like my heart shriveled up and died. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I walk to Niall who spots me and walks faster towards me, once we reach each other; he throws his luggage to the floor and gives me a big hug. I rest my head on his shoulder. I avoid at all cost eye contact with Liam and Danielle. Especially Liam, one look at him and all my feelings will come flooding back. Feelings that I've shoved away so I can move forward with my life.

"Everything will be all right." Niall whispers in my ear. I nod and I feel tears gather up in my eyes. "Thank you for coming." He says in my ear.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask. And I mean it; Niall has become my best friend considering that the one I used to have left me in pieces on my apartment floor. He stops hugging me because Louis interrupts,

"Hey Niall, stop hogging Cam." He whines and I chuckle.

"Hello to you." I say as Louis embraces me, Eleanor is laughing at the antics of Lou.

"I'm gonna miss your cooking!!" He exclaims, then fake cries into my shoulder.

"Just my cooking?!" I say pretending I'm hurt.

"Not JUST. I'll miss you also!" he yells in my ear.

"Now that's better." I say laughing.

"Okay, time to say goodbye to me." Says Eleanor with laughter in her voice. Louis lets me go and crushed Eleanor in a bear hug.

"My turn!" says Zayn and he embraces me. I ruffle his hair and he swats my hand.

"Not the hair!!" he yells. I laugh and he fake pouts.

"I'm surprised you're even awake." I say to him, he smiles and says,

"What makes you think I'm awake." he winks at me and I laugh.

"Okay, my turn." Says Harry. Zayn shoves me into Harry's arms. "Heey!!"I exclaim. Zayn shrugs at me,

"You messed with the hair." He says. We all laugh. Zayn is vain; you do not mess with his hair.

"Hang on tight." Whispers Harry into my ear.

"I will." I say and I know what he's talking about.

"Keep in contact with us. Just because you know who is being a douche bag doesn't mean you need to cut contact with us, okay?" he says looking in my eyes.

"Okay." I nod.

"Thanks for introducing me and Olga, she's the best." He says and his eyes sparkle.

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