Chapter Thirty-One: Broken Hearted

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a/n: here is chapter 31, enjoy!


Chapter Thirty-One: Broken Hearted


I haven't left Camilla alone since her 'I hate him' and 'I love him' outburst. Niall takes turns with me. So do Mac, Tori and Eleanor. Even the lads, well except for Liam who is back to dating Danielle, I swear if I get my hands on him I will give him a piece of my mind. He hurt my best gal and you don't do that without feeling my wrath. I think that's why Harry is keeping me away from Liam.

Tonight I have a date with Harry and I'm getting ready at Cam's place. She's trying her hardest to muster up some enthusiasm and I love her more for that.

"What do you think of this one?" I ask her coming out in brown blouse and jeans. Cam makes a puke face. "Okay, I take it you no like?" I ask and Camilla giggles slightly. At least she's laughing now. For a few days it was like she was numb and dead.

"Nope." She says simply.

"Cammy no likey?"I ask making a pouty face. Cam laughs,

"Not at all. Was that in my closet?"

"Yup." I say taking the shirt off. It was ugly as sin.

"I'm gonna get rid of it." She says putting it in a pile on the floor. Usually Cam is very neat and everything, but lately her kitchen is a mess, her room is undone, at least she washes her clothe and showers.

"So... I have no idea what to wear." I say lying on the bed. Cam gets up and says,

"I have something you might like." She walks into her closet and rummages. "Found it." She says in a lifeless voice. When she appears she has a pink dress with her, it's a lace dress, below the knees. I gasp; the lace on the dress is so delicate, Camilla smiles slightly.

"That is beautiful." I get up and take it from her. Cam nods and goes to sit on her bed.

"That it is. You can have it." She says to me and I whip around is astonishment.

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"I won't use it. He bought it for me to wear, but I won't." she says looking at me sadly. Him is Liam and I'm surprised she mentioned him. She hasn't talked about him at all.

"I can't..." I start but Cam cuts me off,

"I don't have anywhere to wear it." She says to me.


"Take it. Have fun at your date." She says then gets up and walks out of the room. I look at the dress; I put it on the bed and walk after Cam.

"Cam, talk to me." I say when I find her sitting cross-legged on the floor petting Coco and Noodle. I sit in front of her.

"Liam bought it for me so we could go to his mum's dinner party." She looks at me sadly. "Take it please."

"Okay." I say, I know better than to push her. We stay like that in silence.

"You gotta start getting ready." She says to me. I look at the clock,

"Maybe I should cancel..." I say.

"No! You're gonna go, look gorgeous and stun Harry." She says to me.  I get up and help her up. "Go wash up." She says to me. "GO." I nod and walk to the guest room to shower. Fifteen minutes later I get out and find that Cam cleaned her bedroom. She's lying on her backside looking at the ceiling.

"Cam?" I ask lying beside her.

"Yeah?" she says.

"What are you thinking?"

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