Chapter Twenty-Seven: Walking Away Is Never Easy

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A/N: Chapter 27 folks. Here is the end. As you can see from the title. It sucked having to do this, but like I said, it's for the sake of the story and for Liam to grow. So don't abandon me yet, things get worse get before they get better. So stick with me. Enjoy!


Chapter Twenty-Seven: Walking Away Is Never Easy


I was singing along to Adele while I cooked and now dinner was ready, so I rushed to take a shower and get ready. I put on a floral blouse and jeans, then my black Keds.

Niall and Tori arrived early, and Liam still hadn't arrived. I began to worry, Liam is always on time. I told Niall and he rang Liam who didn't answer. Something must've come up with him, but wouldn't he have called me?

Niall and Tori and I sat down to eat without Liam. I kept hoping he would arrive any time, but he didn't show. I couldn't eat much; I was too worried about Liam. Where could he be? What if he was lying on a hospital bed? I rang a few hospitals asking and giving them Liam's description. He wasn't there, thank God! Niall and Tori left, although they didn't want to, I made them leave. About ten minutes after Tori and Niall left, I heard a knock on my door. I rushed to open,

"Niall, I don't..." I started but I saw Liam standing there. "Liam! Oh my god! Where have you been?!" I asked pulling him inside.

"I was home." He says.

"Liam, what's wrong?" I ask him because I know something is wrong, his face can't hide the fact that something happened.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry I missed out dinner date." He says looking at me.

"I don't care about the dinner date, I'm just glad you're alright." I say.

"I'm sorry I worried you." He says. He seems pensive and unlike himself.

"Liam, are you sure you're okay?" I ask him again.

"Yeah, I just have some things on my mind." He states sitting down on my couch.

"Like what?" I ask.

"It's...I don't know how to say this..." he trails off. I smile at him kindly then I walk to him and grab his hand in mine.

"Liam you can tell me anything, you know that right?" I say to him, to put him at ease.

"I's just that... I don't know how to tell you." He says and looks at me sadly.

"Just say it." I say still smiling at him.

"Danielle came to see me today. That's why I missed out dinner date." He says rushing. The smile on my face feels slapped away. I take a breath in,

"Okay, what did she want?" I ask making sure I keep my voice even. My stomach hurts because I'm scared it might be bad news.

"She told me she still loves me and she wants me back." he says, I stare at him but he avoids my eyes.

"" I say not knowing what to say.

"And she kissed me." He says to me. I pull my hands from Liam and he looks so sad. Danielle kissed him?

"Did you kiss her back?" I ask tentively, I have to know or else it would haunt me.

"No! I pulled away." He says to me and I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank God!" I whisper. I look at Liam, something is still off. "What else is bothering you?" I ask, scared of what the answer might be.

"She said some things that made me think." He says quietly, his back to me.

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