Chapter Thirteen: continued

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A/N: My lovely's-  I couldn't make myself make you suffer the pain of not knowing. here is the rest of chapter 13.Enjoy!



Olga left around 11:30pm, well, more like I made her leave. I just need to be alone. I have nothing to say. I can’t even cry anymore. I drank a beer while listening to music, my sad blues. I go wash up, it’s almost 2am, and I need some sleep. I’m washing my teeth, when I hear a knock on my door. I rinse and go check who it is. I open the door and find a wobbly Niall.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him, he walks past me, I close the door behind him.

“I was worried Cam. I’m sorry about how Liam acted.” He says giving me a hug. I hug him back. Niall, he’s such a teddy bear.

“Niall, did all you get drunk?” I ask. Great question, Camilla. He nods. I shake my head, Liam gets the worst hangovers. Whatever, he doesn’t need me.”How did you get here?” I ask.

“I took a cab.” He says, smiling, “Also, you almost ran me over.” He sits on my couch. I grab him some water,

“I’m so sorry about that.” I say to him, handing him the water. He drinks it in two gulps.

“It’s okay. I get how you were feeling.” He says, and then he starts closing his eyes.

“Why don’t sleep on my couch?” I ask him.

“Okay.” He nods and lies down. He immediately passes out. I take his shoes off and place a pillow over his head. Then I place a blanket over him.  I’m about to head to bed, when I hear another knock on my door. Is it bother the sad, lonely, crazy dog lady night? I go and open. I find Louis and Harry, giggling like crazies.

“What are you two doing here?” I ask once they are inside.

“We lost Niall!!” yells Louis.

“SHHHH!!” I say to him, he nods.

“Have you seen him?” whispers Harry.

“I found him!!!” yells Louis, he’s standing over Niall, who is sleeping.

“Quiet!” I say to him. I look for Harry and find him passed out on my floor. I roll my eyes. “Lou, help me take him to my guest room.”  We grab him, me by the legs and Lou by the armpits. Once we place Harry on the bed, I take his shoes off and I tuck him in. Louis is looking at me.

“I’m sorry about Liam.” He says to me, once we are out of the room.

“Thanks.” I say.

“He’s being unreasonable.”

“So, he told you what happened?” I ask. He nods. I shrug. “You staying, or should I call Elle?” I ask.

“Could you call Elle?” he says. I nod and go grab my cell. I call her.

“Hello?” she asks, sounding sleepy.

“Hey Elle, its Cam. Louis is at my…” but I can’t finish because I hear Niall yelling,

“WHY CAN’T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE??!!!” I run to my living room and find that Louis was spraying water on Niall. Niall pouts and gets up and goes to the bathroom.

“LOUIS!!! BE NICE!!” I yell at him, and Lou giggles like a nut bolt. “I’m so sorry Elle, Lou was pouring water on Niall.” I take the bottle from Louis and he pouts. Then he sits on the floor, petting Coco.

“It’s okay. So he’s with you?” she asks.

“Yeah, he’s drunk. He wanted to go home with you.” I say. She laughs.

“Okay, be there in a few.”

“Okay, drive safe.” I say.

“Okay, bye.” She hangs up. I look at Louis, he passed out. I shrug. 10 minutes later, another knock on my door. I go open it and Elle is standing there in her PJ’s.

“Sorry I called you so late.” I say to her.

“It’s okay.” She hugs me. I hug her back. “How are you?” she asks me.

I shrug then say, “Okay.”

“I can’t believe Liam did that to you.” She shakes her head. I told her and Olga all about what Danielle and I talked about, before I even talked to Liam. “I had no idea he’d react like that.”

“It’s not your fault.” I say.

“So…where is my love?” she asks. I point to a passed out Louis. She giggles. “I can’t carry him.” She says.

“Oh, you won’t.”I go up to Louis and kick him with my foot. He wakes up.

“Ughh…” he looks at me.

“Eleanor is here. Get up!” I say to him. He gets up,

“My love?!!” he walks over to her and tries to kiss her.

“No!!” she scolds him.

“Okay, okay.” He mutters.

“Goodnight Cam.” She says.

“Night. Have fun you kids.” I say, trying not to laugh. Elle sticks her tongue out at me. I laugh. She and Louis walk to the elevator. He waves at me and I wave back. I close the door. Yay!! Finally, time to sleep. Except that when I go to my room, my bed is occupied. Niall is sleeping on it. I sigh, then get into bed. I hope tomorrow goes better. I don't wanna lose Liam. I don't. I fall asleep trying not to think about the worst case scenario.


A/N: end of chapter 13. hope you liked it. if you did, vote, comment. thanks!



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