Chapter 41-PART ONE: Memories

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Chapter Forty-One:

Part One: Memories


I stopped by my old elementary school and said hi to some old teachers who happen to remember me. But that's not the reason I stopped. I wanted to go to the place I took Liam when we first met. That hidden area that was my wonderland, my shelter, my imaginary place, my safe haven. It happens to still be there and I walked over and found it just like I left it. Which was nice because who likes to see change? No one. I saw the chairs, the table, the old clay teapot and cups that I made in art class. I smiled because it took me back to that first day I met Liam.

My childhood was a happy one. I grew up with my brothers who made me tough, my mother who always helped me see the good in things even when they were awful, and my dad who always believed in me and let me dream. They are who made me into the woman I am today. And of course there is Liam- the man who has always been a constant in my life; that is until now. Ever since that day when I dragged him to my secret lair he has been by my side. My best friend, my accomplice, my secret keeper, my tutor when I sucked at math, my caregiver when I was sick, my everything. There is also Adam and Olga. They have been my best friends, not like Liam, but they are still the most important people in my life. There is Niall who is like my brother, Louis who is just like me but I'm way more mature, Zayn who is quiet but not mysterious, he just likes to think more about life and keep it to himself, sort of like me because after all, being someone who writes takes thinking about life, and then there is Harry who is cheeky and loving and so caring, my friends. People who I have grown to love and care for. I can see now that I am a lucky girl, I have people who love me, who care for me, who would do anything for me, and I would do the same for them. They're like my other brothers from different mothers. They're my family.

It's amazing how life changes in the blink of an eye. One moment Liam and I were friends, the next he was my lover and then he was the one who broke my heart. I shrug and say goodbye to some people on my way out of the school. Life goes on.

I came back from my run and took a shower. As I was getting dressed my mum came in.

"Cammy?" she said before coming in.

"Yeah mum." I said looking for my favorite sweatpants. (They also happen to be Liam's.'s a secret. )

"Honey, Karen invited us to eat." She says behind me. I stop what I'm doing and look at my mum.

"What?" I ask. Liam's mum and dad invited us to eat? Why?

"Honey, please be reasonable. They've always been our friends." She says to me. I nod.

"Okay, you guys have fun." I say while looking for the pants. I tug on my Blink-182 t-shirt and look for those pants because my bums cold considering I'm only in a t-shirt, socks and underpants.

"No, you're coming also." She said to me.

"Mum..." I whined.

"No whining or excuses. You are coming, now get dressed." She said and then left my room. I looked at myself in the mirror. Just my luck!!! The only thing I was hoping was that Liam would not be there or show up. Please, please don't let him be there.

I hit play on my iPod that sits on my Dr. Dre Beats pill speakers. "Make It In America" by Victoria Justice starts playing and I sing along while I find something to wear. (Don't judge the fact that I lsiten to Victoria Justice. It's not like I listen to her 27/7.)

I slipped on jeans, a black kitty sweater over a black tank top, black socks to keep my feet warm and my kitty flats. Then I put on some hoop earrings and some makeup. I dried my hair, which has started to grow since I cut it, and then sort of curled it into waves. Good to go! I walked down the stairs and found my dad watching TV.

"Hey Pops." I said to him.

"Cammy, watcha up to kitty cat?" he asks me while eying my sweater and I laughed. Leave it to my dad to make things better and less stressful.

"Just waiting." I say to him. I sit down and we watch some TV while my mum finishes up.

"Ready?" I hear my mum say and we turn and find my mum ready to go.

"Yeah." I say to her.

"Let's go." She says and I follow. My dad grabs the car keys and we shut the door. Bring on an awkward dinner.


A/N: Do you think it's gonna be really awkward or is she over reacting? Let me know. Enjoy the next one.

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