Dramatic {Bokuto Koutarou}

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After your (favorite club) meeting was over, you headed over to the gym to meet up with your boyfriend. His volleyball practice would be ending soon, so you decided it would be nice to stop by and watch the remainder of the team's practice. You'd seen Bokuto's amazing skills out on the volleyball courts during tournaments, and you often spent some time with him and Akaashi on the weekends or after school on the days he didn't have practice, watching him and admiring his talent.

Once you reached the gym, you quietly entered and stood near the doors. The team had split into two parts and you watched in awe as they scrimmaged each other. Even though Bokuto and Akaashi were on one team together, the score was still close: 20-17.

You watched as Akaashi fed Bokuto sets, which he proceeded to leap up and kill with ease, making scoring points look simple for him. You smiled as he pumped his fists after getting another kill, shouting and cheering. Sure, he was pretty dramatic, but he was adorable to you and you loved him all the same.

The other team, however, went on a run and began to catch up. Akaashi continued to give Bokuto sets until he started getting blocked and—even worse—hitting into the net. After hearing the unsatisfying sound of the ball smacking the top of the net and falling to the ground, Bokuto turned away from his teammates and clenched his fists.

You knew perfectly well what was going on. His emo mode came on all too often whenever he wasn't doing well during games, but you had no idea that the same thing happened during practices. He didn't usually get so bent out of shape then. You decided that you weren't going to let him out on that performance this time.

Just as he was about to turn to Akaashi and beg him not to set him anymore for the benefit of the team, you yelled at him across the gym. "Hey, Koutarou! You'd better not go into your emo mode again!" Sure, you were small, but you could really project your voice if you wanted to.

Everyone on the gym turned to face you as you gave Bokuto a stern look. Their eyes turned from you back to your boyfriend as he stood there, watching you cautiously as he put his hands on his hips. "Hmph!" was his indifferent reply as he turned to Akaashi to continue where he left off.

"Koutarou." Your voice had a warning tone to it as you stood firmly and crossed your arms in front of your chest. Your (e/c) eyes glared daggers at him.

"But (f/n), I—" he started.

"Ah, ah, ah. Do you want me to come over there and sort you out?"

His shoulders slumped and he stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, his golden eyes refusing to make contact with your own. He trudged back over to his position on the court, sighing as he ran his hand through his spiky, white hair.

"Finish the game," you barked at him, "You only have one point to go." You took your eyes off your disgruntled boyfriend and looked over at Akaashi. You nodded at him and he returned your nod before focusing on the game again.

You were used to dealing with Bokuto's emo mode, so you knew the best way to handle it. First, you had to be stern and assertive with him, telling him to get his job done. Then, you had to be supportive and praise him when he scored a point. That seemed to be the key to getting Bokuto to function when he was in a rut.

Sure enough, your fierce words worked, and Akaashi set a ball out to him that he struck down with ease, scoring the winning point of the game. Now it was time for step two.

"Great job, Koutarou! I knew you could do it, baby! You're amazing!" you cheered and clapped with excitement. Maybe those compliments were a bit superfluous, but you gave them to him anyway.

The rest of his team gave him reassuring compliments and smiled as they patted him on the back. Bokuto eventually leapt up into the air, shouting and making a big fuss about how he was the best and blah, blah, blah. Even though you had seen this happen countless times, you still chuckled slightly at his exaggerated celebration.

After grabbing some water and wiping his face off with a towel, Bokuto sprinted across the gym and you braced for impact as he scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. "Did you see that? Did you see how awesome that was?!" he asked as he set you down, "I'm pretty amazing aren't I? Don't you think I'm the best?"

He went on and on, pausing in between comments as he showered your face with kisses and wrapped you up in his sweaty embrace. Even though he was hot and slightly stinky, you still allowed him to hug you. When he wouldn't shut up, you took his face in both of your hands and pulled him down towards you to plant a kiss on his lips.

"Yes, you are amazing and I love you, Koutarou," you told him honestly with a small smile when you broke away.

His face lit up as his bright yellow eyes narrowed slightly in a smirk. "You know I'm the best." You rolled your eyes slightly but continued to smile. "I love you too, (f/n)!" He gave you a few more kisses before you pushed him away, telling him to go and help his teammates clean up.

He was definitely dramatic, and you had to lay on the compliments sometimes when his ego needed boosting, but you meant every kind word you said to him.

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