Horsing Around {Iwaizumi Hajime}

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A/n: consider this an au where you are the lovely daughter of ranch owners. You live on a ranch with all sorts of animals and quite a lot of land, so your parents decided to hire yet another person to help out *wink wink*


It had been a few weeks since the new ranch hand had been hired, but it was still your job to check up on him and make sure that he was doing his job correctly. After spending many years living on this ranch and working alongside your parents, you knew exactly how they wanted things done, so you made sure that the hired help wasn't doing anything the wrong way.

It was summer, you were out of school, and you didn't really have much to do anyways. So, you would saddle up your (favorite horse breed) horse, (horse's name), and ride (him/her) around the fields to kill time and to spy on your precious ranch hand from afar. He was hot—you couldn't deny that—and you two flirted almost constantly, but you didn't want your parents to think that anything was going on between the two of you.

Your father had a tendency to hire a lot of young and strong men to help him with the labor and caring for the animals, but this man was different from the rest. The other men who milled around were usually either very gruff towards you, saying things like, "I don't need you to tell me how to do a man's job, so why don't you go on back inside and do some crocheting, little lady?" or too lazy to keep at their jobs for long. But this man... He was very well-mannered and polite compared to the rest, and he was ten times hotter.

"Dad, who's this?" you'd asked when you'd walked to the stables only to be confronted with an unfamiliar face tending to the horses.

"This is Iwaizumi Hajime. He's a new ranch hand that I hired to help out around here. I'm sure you'll show him how things are done around here, won't ya?" your father had replied with a jolly smile on his face.

You'd given him a reassuring nod and had introduced yourself to the young man before showing him around the ranch and explaining to him how things worked. However, you hadn't been able to resist noticing how nicely his plain, white t-shirt clung to his well-built torso, or how amazing his biceps looked when he was lifting buckets of water to take to the animals. Along with being a total hottie, he'd been nothing but kind to you. He'd been a bit shy when you'd first met, and it had come off as looking sort of like he was trying to avoid you, but once you'd gotten to know each other better, he'd started being less closed off.

You couldn't help but fall in love with the guy. He was totally irresistible. And the fact that you saw him everyday and had been instructed by your father to check up on him didn't help your situation either.

As you sat atop your beloved horse, you scanned the ranch for your coveted ranch hand. You soon spotted him standing next to the chicken coop, filling the food chute with chicken feed. You fanned your face as your horse trotted over to the small vegetable garden near the chicken coop and stopped upon your command. It was roasting outside, and you were still hot despite wearing a tank top and a loose pair of jeans.

You dismounted your horse, giving its snout an appreciative rub. "I'll be right back, (horse's name)! Be a good little (girl/boy)," you cooed and fed it a carrot that you'd been holding onto, earning you a nuzzle of appreciation from the horse. Your mother always told you that you were the reason why your horse was a bit chubby and you couldn't entirely disagree.

You walked away from your horse and past the vegetable garden before approaching the chicken coop. Iwaizumi must've heard the sound of your shoes in the dirt since he turned to look at you.

"Hey, (f/n)," he greeted you casually with a small smile. He set the empty bucket of chicken feed down on the ground and dusted his gloved hands off.

"Hi there, Hajime," you replied, "Working hard, as always, I see." A small smirk crept onto your face as you extended a bottle of water towards him that you'd brought with you from the house. "Why don't you take a break?"

He thanked you and accepted the water that you offered. You pretended to be inspecting the chickens, but you really had your full attention on him as he took a drink of water and wiped sweat from his brow. Those muscles...

"Where's your father? Is he with you?" Iwaizumi asked as he shoved his gloves into his pocket and leaned against the side of the chicken coop, where the nesting hens were.

"Nope. He went to the market," you answered, pushing (h/l) (h/c) strands of hair away from your face. You then walked over to Iwaizumi and draped your arms over his shoulders, clasping your hands together behind his neck. "Which means we don't have to be all on edge like usual."

Iwaizumi chuckled slightly and put his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Who do you think you are, teasing your ranch hand like this?" he questioned as you moved your head closer to his face and planted gentle kisses on his cheek.

"This is nothing compared to what you usually put me through. How do you think I feel not being able to love you since my dad's always lingering around? It's tough..." you explained with a devious smile across your lips.

You tilted his chin towards your face with your fingers and placed a short kiss upon his lips. "(F/n), I have work to do..." he mumbled teasingly and kissed you lightly in return.

"Hajime," you cooed, "would you rather be searching for eggs underneath angry hens or kissing me?"

"It's about what I'm supposed to be doing, though."


"If you insist."

He pressed his slightly chapped lips against your own smooth ones, making your heart flutter in your chest. Your grip around him tightened slightly as he deepened your kiss, showing you that he'd missed you just as much as you'd missed him.

As you were enjoying his kisses, you felt something nudge your bottom before giving you a shove that nearly sent you stumbling onto Iwaizumi. The two of you broke away, and you whirled around to see your horse watching you expectantly.

"(Horse's name)! I told you to stay put!" you hissed. Your horse nudged your butt again with its snout, as if searching for a treat that you didn't have. "My pockets are empty!"

"Maybe (he/she) just thinks your ass is pretty sweet."

"What did you just say?"

Iwaizumi casually picked up a basket to collect eggs in and ran a hand through his dark and spiky hair as if he'd said nothing at all. "I didn't say a word," he responded as he opened the door to the hen house.

"This isn't over, Hajime," you said as you pushed your horse's head away from your butt gently before grabbing the reins and walking around the climb onto its saddle.

"What? You want to make out some more?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you, "If so, just tell me where you'll meet me so I can make sure I'm doing work over there."

You climbed onto your horse's saddle and pursed your lips as you thought for a moment. "How about near the stables?"

"Okay. I'll be feeding the horses."

You smiled with satisfaction and waved to him as he walked inside the hen house to collect eggs. You turned your horse around and headed on your way to check up on the other animals and ranch hands around the fields.

You loved how Iwaizumi always went along with your plans.


A/n: soooo let me know what you think! Should I do more alternate universe stories? If so, let me know what kinds of ideas you have! :)

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