Caring {Sugawara Koushi}

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As you sat in bed, sniffling and stuffing tissues up your runny nose, you tried to take your attention off the pain of your throbbing head by watching some television. It wasn't working, however, and you shifted uncomfortably in your bed, trying to sit in a way that wouldn't make your body ache. Being sick was always so hellish for you. Even a simple cold wiped you out.

Over the sound of your own pulse throbbing in your ears, you heard the door to your apartment open. "(F/n)! I'm home!" your boyfriend's soft voice called.

You tried to respond, but that only ended up causing another coughing fit. You heard footsteps and you saw Sugawara appear in the doorway to the bedroom. "Hey, Koushi," you greeted him, your voice rough and scratchy.

A concerned look came over Suga's warm and calm features, his thick eyebrows furrowing in thought. "You're not much better than you were before I left this morning..." he sighed softly, "Have you eaten?"

You shook your head. Your body had been aching and fluctuating between hot and cold so much that you'd completely blocked out the need to eat. You didn't have an appetite, but you didn't stop Suga when he offered to make you some soup.

When he returned with the soup on a tray, he set it down on your lap, along with some water and pills. He pressed his hand against your forehead gently as you began to eat the soup, and you noticed his eyes widen slightly in shock. He let out a small sigh and brushed your (h/c) hair out of your face before planting a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm sorry I got you sick," Suga apologized as he got into his side of the bed and sat down next to you. The two of you had issues with getting each other sick. When one of you was ill, the other would hang around and play nurse. If that wasn't asking for the spread of sickness, then the cuddles that you shared whenever one of you was suffering certainly were.

"It was my own fault," you assured him with your hoarse voice. He frowned slightly, contemplating you with his dark brown eyes as he ran his hand through your hair.

When you'd finished your soup and taken your pills, Suga carried the tray back into the kitchen for you, returning a few moments later. Your whole body felt droopy and weary, and you wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to Suga and take in his comforting presence. He seemed to notice the pleading look in your (e/c) eyes, and he got into bed next to you, gently lifting you into his lap.

You turned to face him, wrapping your arms and legs around him as he engulfed both of you in a warm blanket. Even though your body was hot against his, he didn't want you to get cold quickly.

"Thank you, Koushi. You're the best," you said to him softly as you snuggled up to him and rested the side of your face on the warm cotton of his shirt. His shoulder made a very nice pillow for your pounding head. "I love you."

Suga wrapped his arms around you gently, smiling slightly at your words. "Anything for you, (f/n)." He ran his hand up and down your back slowly, pausing to give your shoulders a rub. He leaned down and kissed the side of your head tenderly, knowing how much pain you were probably in at the moment, and feeling incredibly sorry for you. "I love you too," he replied, "Get some rest."

He didn't have to tell you twice. You had already drifted off to sleep, perfectly content in his warm and comforting embrace.

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