Friendly Foe {Kozume Kenma} (Request)

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Kenma and Kuroo just so happen to stumble upon you "reading" on a rainy day...
Requested by @___Nej

Nothing but the sound of rain pounding against the metal roof of the sheltered bus stop, the ground, and the passing cars filled your ears, mingling to create a rather calming sort of white noise as you stared down at the book in your hands.

All Kuroo and Kenma could hear was the sound of their own breathing and their heavy footsteps as they sprinted through the rain and towards the bus stop to seek refuge from the downpour.

"I told you not to buy that cheap umbrella!" Kenma complained as he took the completely busted umbrella out of Kuroo's hand and threw it in a nearby trash can with disdain.

This quickly sparked an argument between the two volleyball players, who were not only irritated to begin with, but had been absolutely soaked by the rain and tired out by the long run they'd had to go on to find shelter on their way home. Their voices soon died down, however, when they noticed a peaceful figure sitting on the bench already, her (h/l), (h/c) hair only the slightest bit frizzy from the rain and her Nekoma uniform perfectly intact, unlike theirs. Next to her sock-covered legs sat an umbrella that was also unscathed from a walk through the rain.

"Oh, hey, (f/n)," Kuroo simpered, his face instantly lighting up with recognition and hopefulness when he saw both you and the umbrella, "How long have you been sitting here at this bus stop by yourself?"

You didn't respond and simply brushed your hair away from your face rather quickly before your hand returned to your book, gripping it tightly.

As Kuroo sat down near you and tried to make more attempts at talking to you that went unnoticed, Kenma sat down at the other end of the bench and pulled his trusty PSP out of his backpack to pass the time until the bus came to pick them up. When the screen lit up despite having a few rain drops on it, he promptly started up one of his favorite fighting games and began playing with intense focus.

"What do you say you walk us home so that your favorite volleyball players don't get sick from being left to walk home in the rain?" Kuroo suggested, giving you a seemingly sweet smile.

Every look he gave you also went unnoticed by you since you were so intensely focused on whatever it was you were reading even though you hadn't flipped a single page since the boys' arrival. Just as he was about to start speaking again, you let out some show of emotion by muttering unintelligibly with frustration and rolling your eyes.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the bench, Kenma smiled to himself at his victory over someone who had proven to be a very difficult opponent. Someone named (username). So far, he liked playing against them, so he continued to do so.

Kuroo, becoming frustrated with the fact that you weren't paying any attention to him, tried to snatch the book out of your hands, which prompted you to slap his hands away until the book fell to the ground, revealing what had really been capturing your attention this entire time: a PSP.

Your distraction from the game causes you to lose yet another round of the fighting game you were playing, and you heard Kenma laugh softly as you groaned loudly. At that moment, you and Kenma turned and looked at each other, leaning forward to see past Kuroo, and made solid eye contact, making you blush with embarrassment.

"W-Would you quit beating me?!" you growled, feeling flustered at the fact that you'd been exposed and the fact that your rival in the game just so happened to be sitting about five feet away from you.

Your moment of slight tension was interrupted when the bus struggled to a stop at the station and opened its doors for the three of you. You quickly turned your attention away from Kenma and gathered up all of your stuff, but he couldn't seem to stop staring at you.

The three of you climbed onto the bus when you were ready and Kenma quickly swooped in to take the seat next to you, forcing Kuroo to sit at the other side of the aisle, much to his dismay. As the bus shuddered to a start again, Kuroo called to you across the aisle before you and Kenma could get wrapped in your intense gameplay again.

"Hey, (f/n), do you wanna walk home with us? It's kinda pouring rain and we don't have an umbrella and we're already catching hypothermia as we speak."

You didn't look at him, but agreed, "Sure. All you had to do was ask."

A spiteful smile spread across Kuroo's lips as he said sarcastically, "Oh, of course! Why didn't I think of that?" as if he hadn't tried to do so about a hundred times at the bus stop.

"Maybe because you don't really think," Kenma chimed in quietly, making you giggle softly and reward him with a gaze into your eyes when they locked again with his for a moment.

"Hurtful!" Kuroo whined as he turned his back towards the two of you to find a more welcoming companion in his reflection in the window.

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