Hidden Thoughts {Azumane Asahi}

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(F/n) (l/n).

I can't stop thinking about her. No matter where she is, she's always on my mind.

As I walk with her through the park, I'm not even paying attention to my surroundings. The way the wind carries her hair away from her neck and past her shoulders, sending it behind her in cascading (hair color) locks makes me think about how much I want to run my fingers through it.

But I don't.

Her hand grazes mine as she lifts it up to point at a flower off in the distance and this sends my heart pounding away in my chest again. The fact that I'm breaking out in a cold and nervous sweat makes me hesitate when her hand falls back to her side, waiting to be held.

I feel like such an idiot.

I've been dating her for the longest time and I still get nervous about the smallest things. But my love for her only grows.

She doesn't seem to know what I'm thinking or what I'm feeling, but she's having a good time, so that's all that really matters. Even though it's a bit chilly, her complexion is still as healthy and bright as always, and she's still smiling.

I find the courage to wrap my hand around hers and lace my fingers between hers. Doing so rewards me with another opportunity to see her sparkling (e/c) eyes and her bright smile as she turns to look at me before moving closer to me and holding my arm.

When she stops walking to stand on her tippy toes and wrap her free hand around the back of my neck, I feel my heart do somersaults. I know what's coming and I've experienced it before, but I still act as though every kiss that I share with her is our first.

I don't know why.

Her warm lips against mine, as well as the gentle tickling of her exhale on my cheek is enough to make me blush profusely. The coldness that rushes between us when our lips separate makes me crave more of her gentle kisses.

But I don't try to kiss her again.

She's already leading me down a path through the park, calling my attention to anything that catches her eye along the way. It doesn't matter to me what we're doing as long as she's happy.


After a long day out, it feels nice to lay my head in (f/n)'s lap and let her play with my hair while we watch (favorite movie). She enjoys taking small sections of my slightly tangled brown hair and working her fingers through it gently, making small braids here and there. Her soothing touch is enough to make me feel at ease.

As her fingers drift through my hair, occasionally brushing against my ear or parts of my face, I watch her intently. Even though she's completely focused on her favorite movie, I'm more focused on her and the small changes in the features of her face as she reacts to what's happening on the television screen.

Every time she glances down at me, though, I avert my eyes, feeling slightly embarrassed. I don't want her to catch me looking so shamelessly at her face. That would be a bit creepy and would most likely provoke questions that I would fumble for the answers to.

When she stops playing with my hair and a troubled look crosses her face, I sit up slowly and look over at her.

"I hate this part..." she murmurs quietly, her (e/c) gaze unwavering as she watches the screen.

I turn my attention to the television as well for a moment before looking back over at her. I want to hug her and hold her closely to me, but I don't have the courage to make such a huge leap in one motion, so I put my arm around her shoulders to comfort her, and she naturally does the rest.

She wraps her arms around me and moves closer to me, making my heart flutter in my chest again. I hope she can't hear how flustered I am by listening to my weird heartbeat. Whether or not she can I don't know, but she doesn't seem to care either way since she rests her head against my chest and sighs.

With her in my arms it seems as if no time has passed, and I'm shocked when I realize that the ending credits are rolling across the screen. After turning off the television, I look down to see my girlfriend fast asleep in my arms.

As I sit in silence, the only sound I can hear is her slow and steady breathing, and the only thing I can feel is the warmth of her body resting against mine—both of which are immensely comforting to me. Gently, I pick her up and carry her into our room before pulling back the covers and setting her down in bed. I then get into bed next to her and move closer to her.

In a half-conscious state, she reaches out towards me and wraps herself around me again, cooing, "I love you, Asahi."

I smile and move my face down towards hers to press kisses against her forehead, her cheek, and, finally, her lips. "I love you too, (f/n)," I whisper before kissing her again.

She smiles another one of her beautiful smiles and buries her face in my chest as she drifts back off to sleep again. I hold her tightly and run a hand through her (h/c) hair gently as I close my eyes.

I know that I'm not always the most confident in my words or in my actions, but when it comes to (f/n), I can be sure of every word I say to her and everything I feel towards her.

And even though she can't read my mind, I hope she knows that she means the world to me.


A/n: I wanted to try writing in a different style for a change. Let me know what you think!

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