Choices {Sawamura Daichi} (Request)

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Requested by @assikawa
Warnings: DADCHI

You couldn't leave Daichi unattended with a shopping cart, it seemed. Each time you'd turned away to look at an item on the shelf, he'd added something else to the cart.

"Daichi, honey, we don't need all of this," you told him firmly but sweetly as you gestured to the cart. You'd only been in the store for about ten minutes and the cart was already half full.

"(F/n), baby gates are important. What if our child falls down the stairs?" he asked, looking horrified at that thought.

You placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it gently. "I'm not saying that baby gates aren't important; I'm just saying that we don't need as much stuff as we've gotten so far," you explained, looking into his dark brown eyes.

You really loved the man, but he could be a bit paranoid. He was only being protective, though, since he really cared about the health of his wife and his future child.

"Two teething rings are fine, but we don't need five," you stated and pulled the extra three out of the cart. You handed them to him with a gentle smile. "Why don't you put these back? I'll take care of the cart."

He hesitated before walking back over to the aisle where he'd gotten them from. By the time he'd returned, you'd taken over control of the cart and refused to relinquish it. "That cart's heavy, babe," he warned you.

"I'm pregnant, not on the brink of death," you replied gently as you pushed his hands away from the cart and began pushing it down the next aisle.

A dejected sigh escaped his mouth and he sheepishly walked behind you, allowing you to shop for a little while. It wasn't long, though, before he butted in again.

"(F/n), don't you think we need some of these?" he asked and held up a pair of teeny tiny socks.

"We bought a ton of those last week."

"But you can never have too many! Our daughter can't have cold feet!"

"No, Daichi." You felt a bit bad once you saw the look of rejection on his face as he put the socks away again. "Why don't you come over here and help me pick out some clothes instead?"

He rushed over to you and wrapped an arm around your waist as the two of you stood beside the cart and looked at different clothes. "(Favorite color) or (least favorite color)?" he asked as he held up two small one pieces.

"(Favorite color), of course," was your quick response.

"... But I kinda like the (least favorite color) one."

"Then just get both."

"But I don't want to get something you hate."

"I don't hate it, Daichi, I'm just not a huge fan of that color."

He took a very long moment to ponder and consider his choices. After a painstakingly long time, he made his own decision and tossed both outfits into the cart. You rolled your eyes and continued pushing the cart through the newborn clothing section, pausing whenever you spotted something cute.

"Hey, babe, how about—" you started to ask Daichi a question, but you stopped when you realized he was gone. Soon enough, he came rushing out of the blue with a tiny hat in his hands that was decorated with a cute floral pattern.

"Isn't this adorable?!" he asked hopefully.

Even though you didn't think it was necessary, you let him add it to the mound of things in the cart anyway.

After slowly but surely making your way through the clothing department, you found yourself at a standstill once again in the baby safety section. When Daichi grabbed another car seat, you had to intervene and keep him from putting it in the cart.

"We already bought one of those!" you told him.

"But it's always good to have a spare!" he argued.


"Just in case we have another baby in the future..."

You sighed softly and helped him put the car seat back before putting your hands on his arms gently. "Let's just try to focus on one thing at a time here, okay?" you said tenderly as you smiled at him.

He returned your smile and placed one of his hands on your rounded abdomen. "Okay," he agreed. He then leaned down to kiss your cheek before letting you return to your job of pushing the cart.


After the two of you had finished your shopping trip—no, expedition—and Daichi had forced everything into the trunk and back seat of the car successfully, he climbed into the car next to you.

"I'm sorry if I went a bit crazy with the shopping," he apologized sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head as he smiled bashfully, "I just want to make sure our daughter is as happy and safe as possible."

You felt your heart warm at his words, and you leaned over towards him to plant a gentle kiss on his lips. "I'm sure she'll be happy simply knowing that she has a wonderful dad like you."

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