Pillow Fights {Bokuto Koutarou}

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In your house, pillow fights were a serious matter. They were only used to solve the most important of issues such as who was going to clean the dishes, who would cook dinner, or what movie you were going to watch together.

"I want to watch (favorite movie)!" you announced.

"I want to watch (scary horror movie that you hate)!" Bokuto challenged.

The two of you were standing at opposite sides of your bedroom, each with a fluffy pillow in your hands. Your (e/c) eyes gazed into his own bright golden ones with a ferociousness that would've been unnerving to the average pillow fighter. You two, however, were very well trained in the arts of pillow fighting after living with each other for so long.

"When the clock strikes nine, we fight," you declared, putting your hand on your hip.

Bokuto smirked and crossed his arms in front of his toned chest. "Bring it on, babe."

After trash talking each other for a little while longer, you both turned your gazes to the clocks at your bedside tables, waiting for 9:00 pm to come around.

When the numbers on the clocks displayed the desired time, you and your husband both flew at each other and started attacking each other with your pillows. You smacked him in the side a few times while blocking a few of his shots to your face. You hopped up and down as you tried to attack his face, but he deflected your shots and smacked you in the face instead.

"Koutarou!" you growled through gritted teeth as you pushed a strand of hair out of your eyes and started hitting him back. Seeing that you were getting nowhere with this tactic, you suddenly got down on the floor and crawled between his legs, getting behind him. Once you were behind him, you pulled his pants down and stood up.

"(F/n)! You always play dirty!" he complained as he bent over slightly to pull his pants up. When he did this, you hopped onto his back and climbed onto him, wrapping your legs around his shoulders and hitting his head repeatedly with your pillow.

Bokuto stumbled over towards the bed and flung himself down onto it on his back, trapping part of your body underneath his. You continued to hit him, however, hoping that he would forfeit and you could watch your favorite movie. Bokuto took your legs off his shoulders and turned around, hovering over you as he whacked you with his pillow in return.

You squeaked and growled at him as he hit you and taunted you, making you angry enough to push him off of you and onto the bed again. You then crawled on top of him and sat on his stomach as you smacked him with your pillow until he surrendered.

"Okay, okay! You win, (f/n)!" Bokuto grumbled, pouting as he pushed your pillow away and put his own over his face. "We can watch that stupid movie..."

And so another issue was decided in your household as you let out a small cheer of victory before sticking the movie you wanted to watch into the DVD player. Bokuto whined and complained under his breath as he went to the kitchen to get snacks while you plopped down onto the bed and made yourself comfortable under the covers.

When he returned, a pitiful look on his face, you started the movie, much to his dismay. He sunk into the bed next to you and kept to his own side as he munched on some junk food that he'd grabbed out of the kitchen.

"Oh, don't be such a sore loser!" You told him when you noticed he was making a point of trying not to be near you. You moved your leg under the covers and kicked him gently, making him glare at you. "Koutarou, I just want to watch a movie and cuddle! Is that too much to ask from my wonderful and amazing husband?"

He watched you for a long time before reluctantly moving across the bed and sitting next to you. Wrapping an arm around you while keeping his other hand in a bag of snacks, he rested his head on your chest and snuggled up to you, his spiky hair brushing the bottom of your chin. You put your arms around him and ran one of your hands through his hair and across his face as you planted gentle kisses on his head.

In a way, you'd both won the pillow fight since you'd both gotten something you'd wanted. You had wanted to watch your favorite movie with Bokuto, and all Bokuto had wanted to do was eat and cuddle with his wife. Even though he had been defeated and whacked in the face repeatedly with a pillow, he had still gotten a consolation prize.


A/n: idk why I always picture Bokuto enjoying pillow fights haha
Anyway, who should I write about next?

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