Baby Steps {Tsukishima Kei} (Request)

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Based off the headcanon that Tsukki is actually caring and dorky upon learning that you are pregnant
Requested by @Allyium316

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes! Look at it!"

You pointed to the pregnancy test lying on the counter of the bathroom, and your husband looked over it for about the thousandth time since you'd told him the news. You were undeniably pregnant.

You watched him nervously as his amber eyes gazed at the test. He seemed frozen in time. Was he even breathing...?

"Kei... are you... upset?" you wondered quietly. He hadn't seemed very happy when you'd first told him that you were pregnant. He'd seemed more bewildered than anything else and it made you wonder whether or not he really wanted to start a family with you.

Tsukishima looked over at you and breathed out a huge sigh of relief as an uncharacteristically large grin appeared on his face. "Of course not!" he responded and scooped you up in his arms.

You froze for a moment before wrapping your arms around him as well. He wasn't usually this affectionate, and it caught you off guard, but you weren't going to pass up the opportunity to take advantage of this sweet side of him. "You're acting weird..." you commented, your words muddled by the fabric of his shirt since your face was pressed into his shoulder.

"I'm just happy. I really wanted to have a child with you, (f/n)."

Well, you definitely hadn't been expecting this reaction from him. But you weren't complaining.


As the months passed by and you got further along in your pregnancy, Tsukishima started to become more and more overbearing. It was cute, in a way, because it showed how much he cared, but it was also just a little bit annoying.

Whenever you woke up in the morning feeling unable to drag yourself out of bed, he'd make you breakfast. If you were ever feeling lazy and tired throughout the day, he'd let you sit in his lap and use him as a pillow. If you wanted to eat strange things, he would go out and buy you whatever you requested.

"If you're ever in pain, just tell me, and I'll call the doctor," he'd offer whenever he saw you wincing.

"Thanks, Kei, but I don't think that's necessary. I'm fine," you'd respond.

If you ever took long naps during the day, he'd check in on you frequently to make sure you were okay.

"Still doing alright, (f/n)?" he'd ask as he popped his head inside the room, gazing at you through his glasses.

"Kei, if you wake me up one more time I swear to—"

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving."

While you were dealing with carrying the weight of your developing child, your diligent husband had taken up the task of arranging the room that the two of you had set aside to be a nursery. Whenever he wasn't around you, he was usually in the nursery, trying to figure out how to assemble the furniture that you'd picked out from the store. Sometimes, you'd go inside and sit down with him to help him, but you usually just left him to his own devices.

Later on in your pregnancy, you'd been surprised by the feeling of your baby kicking you, which had made you squeal rather loudly and had almost resulted in Tsukishima calling for an ambulance right then and there. After you'd calmed him down, though, he'd eagerly placed his hand on your stomach, and you'd seen his face light up when the baby kicked again.

Even though Tsukishima tried to take care of you more than was necessary, you appreciated his help. You often found him completely wiped out across the sofa, the bed, or on the floor of the nursery. In these cases, you'd lie down next to him and stroke his golden hair and his peaceful face as he slept, or you'd go to sleep right alongside him.


After you'd successfully delivered your baby, you'd been delighted to see the look on Tsukishima's face as he held the baby with awe and looked at (him/her) with adoration. It had been so cute to see him kiss the baby's cheek and stroke (his/her) face.

Once you'd gone back home, you couldn't help but take pictures whenever you caught Tsukishima napping with his beloved (daughter/son) in his arms, sleeping peacefully as well. Whenever you were holding your child, Tsukishima was often right beside you, watching over the two of you as if you'd disappear the moment he looked away.

He enjoyed being a father and holding his little baby in his arms, and you thought that was cuter than anything else in the world. You'd smile whenever he put the baby down in (his/her) crib for the night and made sure that (his/her) favorite toy was right alongside (him/her).

"You're a great dad, even though you're a dork," you told him as the two of you got into bed after putting your child to bed one night.

He blushed as he took his glasses off and set them down on his bedside table. "I am not a dork..." he mumbled quietly, reverting back to his old self for a moment, "I just care about you and (child's name) a lot and I love you."

Seeing him flustered again made you giggle slightly, and you grabbed his face before planting a kiss on his lips. "You're so cute. I love you too," you told him.

He simply grumbled in response and settled down into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. There was a long moment of silence as you started to drift off to sleep.

"Do you think (child's name) is warm enough?"

"Kei, (he/she) is fine."

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