Elegance {Kageyama Tobio} (Request)

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Based off the headcanon that part of the reason why Kags is so good at volleyball footwork is because he used to do tap dancing
Requested by @OwlCitizen97

As you sat in the bleachers of the Karasuno gym doing your homework, you couldn't help but pause from time to time to watch your boyfriend as he practiced with Hinata. The elegance and grace of Kageyama's footwork as he glided from one end of the court to the other was quite enjoyable to watch.

He only stood still to yell at Hinata when he messed up. "Not like that, you dumbass!" his voice echoed through the gym as the middle blocker stumbled around the court.

At the moment, Kageyama was trying to teach Hinata blocking footwork and the latter was failing miserably. You felt kind of bad for him, since he couldn't really help it. He was just a clumsy and goofy person.

Each one of Kageyama's steps hit the floor in perfect cadence, and none of his moves were jerky or unsure. His feet planted firmly on the ground without being loud, and his muscles tensed in preparation before he launched himself up into the air. His landing was soft and steady.

You were mesmerized by the smoothness of his movements and the way he made what he was doing seem so easy. You only realized how difficult it actually was when Hinata tried it and failed once again. He practically stomped across the court and flung himself around, which was difficult to watch compared to the beauty of Kageyama's movements.

I wonder why he's so good at that? you thought as you continued to watch them.

By the time they'd finished—since Hinata had given up for the day—you'd realized, much to your dismay, that you'd barely gotten any homework done since you'd been too busy watching your boyfriend.

"Tobio!" you called as you ran over to him, slinging your bag over your shoulder.

"What?" he mumbled as he tossed his bag over his own shoulder.

"How are you so good at footwork? There must be a reason!" you asked, your (e/c) eyes shining with hope.

"I practice... duh," was his blunt response.

You frowned as you gazed into his dark blue eyes. You were silent for a long time, making him look over at you. Even though he was a tough cookie, he always crumbled under your serious gaze, which he soon did. A blush covered his cheeks and he looked away with embarrassment, making you grab his arm and tug on it.

"Tobio, there's another reason and I want to know what it is!" you whined. He refused to tell you or even face you, so you continued to annoy him until he snapped at you.

"Will you shut up if I tell you?" he growled, his face growing redder by the second.


He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment before admitting the truth: "I used to tap dance when I was younger."

Your mouth fell open in shock for a few moments before you squealed with delight. "You did?! Show me! Show me a routine!"


You begged and you pleaded until Kageyama showed you a few of his old tap dancing moves, making you clap and cheer for him. "That was so cute, Tobio! You should get back into tap dancing again!" you said.

"No. I'm not a little kid anymore."

You watched him as he finished up the carton of milk he'd picked up, slurping loudly until he was sure that every drop of the milk was gone. That action alone completely contradicted his words.

"Are you sure?" you asked jokingly.

He sighed with irritation. Maybe he shouldn't have told you anything.

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