Stressed {Shirabu Kenjirou} (Request)

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Whenever you saw your boyfriend, he was always studying or playing volleyball. Being a student at Shiratorizawa, you knew how rigorous the classes were there, and you honestly didn't understand how your boyfriend managed to stand all of the pressure of his classes along with playing on such an intense volleyball team.

You would sometimes see him sitting in the library and join him, opening up your own books and studying alongside him. Not much was said, since you were both busy, but you were okay with it. He needed to focus and you didn't want to distract him.

Other times, he would spend lunch sitting in his classroom, a book opened on his desk and his lunch alongside it. At times like those, you had to decide whether or not you wanted to go in and sit with him. You didn't want to bother him.

You would often accompany him on his way to volleyball practice, which was one of the few times during the day when his face wasn't buried in a book. He wished that he could talk to you more, and, unbeknownst to you, he sometimes wanted you to talk to him while he was studying. He liked hearing your voice and listening to your stories of the day.

After you'd dropped him off at the gym, the two of you exchanged a parting kiss before you wandered around campus to find somewhere nice to sit for a few hours. Upon his request, you didn't leave school until he was done with practice so that he could walk you home. You were fine with that, but you couldn't deny that the days felt long and weary from time to time.

One day, when you'd stopped by a vending machine in the hallway during lunch, you peered into his classroom and saw him with his head down on the desk. You quickly grabbed your drink and hurried into his classroom to inspect the situation.

The classroom was completely empty besides Shirabu, who had his face down in his open textbook. You could tell that he was fast asleep. "Kenjirou," you called softly as you walked over to him and nudged his shoulder slightly. You called his name again and gave him a firm shove, making his raise his head slightly and rub his eyes.

"(F/n)...? What...? Did I fall asleep?" he asked, his groggy voice laced with irritation. You nodded and pulled a chair over to his desk before sitting down next to him. He yawned and grumpily went through his bag, searching for his lunch. "Damn it... I forgot my lunch..." he muttered, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

"It's okay. You can share with me," you offered. You gave him a gentle smile as you set your lunch down on the desk and allowed him to eat whatever he pleased. He thanked you quietly, and a long silence ensued.

Eventually, Shirabu gave up on studying and on eating, and rested his head on your shoulder. You looked down at him as he nestled his head in your neck and wrapped an arm around your back. His copper colored hair brushed the bottom of your chin, and you used your free hand to rub his shoulder gently.

"You work yourself too hard, Kenjirou," you commented softly in between bites of food.

"How else am I supposed to keep up if I don't work hard?!" he grumbled, showing off a streak of his hotheadedness. You didn't say anything as he took a deep breath to recompose himself. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You're understandably stressed and angry," you assured him, maintaining a gentle tone to soothe him. He was quiet for a moment. "You don't have to think about school or about any sort of pressure when you're with me, okay? So why don't you just take this time to relax?"

He grabbed onto your chair with his hands and pulled it closer to him so that he could rest more of his weight on you as he settled down to sleep. You quietly continued to eat your lunch as you rubbed his back and allowed him to rest. It went without saying that he'd been up until the early hours of the morning studying.


Later that day, you waited for Shirabu at your usual place near a tree. When he didn't show up, however, you decided to go and check up on him. Upon arriving at his classroom, you found that he wasn't there. Instead, you checked the library, and, sure enough, he was there, completely knocked out.

You walked over to the table he was sitting at and called his name gently until he woke up. He groaned when he realized that he'd wasted his previous studying time by falling asleep yet again. You helped him pack up his things, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders as the two of you headed towards the volleyball gym.

"Hey, (f/n)," he said, making you stop walking. The two of you had already exchanged goodbyes, and you'd been starting to head over to a different part of campus, but his voice stopped you.

"Yeah?" you asked as you turned around to look at him. His brownish gray eyes had a sort of brightness in them that you hadn't seen in a while.

He approached you and wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you closer to him as he leaned down to press a long kiss against your lips. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you," he told you with a small smile before kissing you again.

You blushed profusely and averted your (e/c) gaze bashfully, eliciting a chuckle from your boyfriend. "You need someone to take care of you."

He pressed his forehead against yours and you found the courage to look back into his eyes again, making him smile. "Can I come over to your house after school?" he requested, "I don't really want to do anymore studying."

You never thought you'd hear those words come out of his mouth. For once, he was actually taking you up on your offer to come over and cuddle with you while you stuffed your face with food and watched movies.

"Of course. Are you sure you're okay with not studying for the rest of the day?" you asked, just to make sure.

He nodded. "Studying isn't the only thing that's important to me. And I've done enough already," he said with a nod. The two of you hugged, and he gave you another kiss before heading into the gym to practice. "I love you!" he called, making your cheeks glow yet again.

"I love you too!" you replied sheepishly as you waved. Seeing him smile made you feel an overwhelming sense of joy, and knowing that you were the reason behind his smile gave you another reason to feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Requested by @AnimeFanatic2016
I hope you enjoyed it and that lil Shirabu wasn't too ooc!

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