Emotional Intelligence {Ushijima Wakatoshi}

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"You're not listening to me, are you?"

"Yeah I am."

You let out a long sigh of defeat and returned your attention to your book on the desk in front of you. "No, you're not," you whimpered softly as you put your elbow on your desk and rested the side of your head on your hand, letting your (h/l) (h/c) locks fall to the side.

You tried not to be too offended by the fact that your boyfriend's attention had been drawn to something else the entire time you'd been talking to him. This was a common occurrence in your relationship. There were times, of course, when he devoted his full attention to you, but there were also times when he just seemed so detached and distant that it made your entire being practically ache for his attention.

All you'd wanted to do was tell him about something that was on your mind while you spent time together during lunch. Aside from lunch and at practice you hardly got to see him during the school day, so, naturally, you wanted to talk to him. You didn't even want him to solve your problems.

You just wanted him to listen and show some emotion for once.

But he couldn't seem to tear his attention away from the volleyball video he was watching. His beautiful, olive brown eyes were trained on the screen, making you yearn for his eyes to meet yours for even a split second. You loved it when he just looked at you and gave you signs that he was actively listening, but you hadn't been getting many lately.



His eyes still didn't leave the screen.

"Is everything okay?"

You knew you had issues in your life at the moment that you wanted to talk to someone about, and his behavior was making you wonder if he had something on his mind too.

"Yes," was his simple response.

You felt a wave of disappointment crash into you, leaving behind a feeling of cold, emptiness. It bothered you how out of touch he was with both his own emotions as well as those of others, so him shutting you out once again was a prime example of how he couldn't open up. Cutting himself off made you feel alienated.

Instead of arguing with him and forcing him to pay attention to you, you backed off. "Okay."

After a couple minutes of struggling to comprehend what was written in your (least favorite subject) textbook in between bites of food, you decided you needed to leave. Wanting attention from your boyfriend and knowing that he didn't seem to care despite the fact that he was sitting right next to you made you feel lonelier than actually being alone.

"I'm gonna go to my class now," you stated as you haphazardly tossed your lunch bag into your backpack and picked up your books.

"Lunch doesn't end for another twenty minutes," Ushijima responded.

He still wasn't looking at you, so you simply shrugged and walked out of the classroom. After you'd left, Ushijima looked up from his laptop and watched as you bumped into one of your friends in the hall. He saw you exchange greetings, as well as you say something that made your friend's face fall. She then hugged you and put her hand on your back as she walked down the hall with you and out of his sight.

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