Hidden {Kozume Kenma} (Request)

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You were the type of person who'd much rather blend into the background than be shoved under the spotlight. Everyone who knew you knew that very well. Yet your brother was extremely noisy and did an awesome job at attracting attention both to himself and to anything he wanted to draw people's eyes to.

"Hey everyone! I decided to bring my sister with me to practice!"

You cringed when you heard him loudly announce your entrance, and you glared at the back of his bedhead. Soon enough, all the boys of the Nekoma team had crowded around you and gazed at you with interest.

"This is (f/n)," Kuroo stated as he gestured to you with a smirk on his face, "Unlike me, she doesn't talk much, so you'd best leave her alone."

The boys watched you for a few moments more, making your entire body tense up with fear and your heart race. You hated it when people stared at you or examined you. It made you feel extremely uncomfortable. Before anyone could say anything to you, Kuroo led them away from you and helped them set up for practice. You breathed out a short sigh of relief as you scurried away from the court and over to the wall.

You intended to sit in the corner during Kuroo's entire practice, put in your earbuds, and drown everyone out with music so you could do your homework.

That plan didn't last long, however, after your gaze landed on one of the boys on the team. You were sure that you'd seen him around before, but you'd never talked to him and he had never seemed to notice you.

His dyed hair caught your attention first, since it was so dark at the roots yet blonde everywhere else. His voice must've been very soft and quiet, since you could only see his lips moving when he spoke very infrequently. You liked people who had soft voices.

You were taken in by how mesmerizing his amber gaze was, which you had the opportunity of seeing when a ball rolled nearby where you were sitting and he ran over to pick it up. You felt yourself blush and you looked away awkwardly as you usually did whenever someone made eye contact with you. You couldn't deny that there was another factor making your heart race this time, though.

He was cute.


After practice, Kuroo ran over to you before you could slip out of the gym unnoticed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his sweaty body.

"Get off me, you idiot," you grumbled and gave him a hard shove. Your resistance was futile, though, and Kuroo continued to drag you over to where the other boys were.

You squirmed uncomfortably as Kuroo drew attention to you once again and talked about you in front of everyone. They were quite an excitable group, and they were anxious to learn more about you. As their loud voices echoes around you, and you looked up at their tall figures, you suddenly felt very claustrophobic and panicky.

"Hey, don't do that to (f/n)," a soft voice spoke with enough authority to shut everyone up. Your gaze settled on Kenma, and you felt yourself blush again.

"Do what? I'm only trying to help her get to know the team!" Kuroo complained and raised an eyebrow at his setter.

"You're putting her on the spot. She's your sister, so you should know better than anyone that she doesn't like being the center of attention," Kenma replied.

"And how do you know how she feels?"

"Just look at her. She's obviously uncomfortable."

When Kuroo's grip on you loosened slightly, you quickly slipped away from him and ran outside. Once you were out of the gym, you leaned back against the wall and put your face in your hands as you felt tears of embarrassment well up in your eyes. You couldn't stop the tears, no matter how hard you tried.

"Hey, (f/n)." Upon hearing a gentle voice call your name, you furiously wiped away your tears and ducked your head. You heard footsteps over the sound of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, and you turned away from your crush. "It's okay. I understand how you feel. I don't like drawing attention to myself either. Unfortunately, your brother loves being in the spotlight."

You looked over at Kenma, feeling your heart flutter when you noticed the soft smile he wore on his lips. Suddenly, you didn't feel nervous or embarrassed anymore. You felt safe from judgment, and it was quite a relief. You sighed and let your tensed up shoulders relax slightly.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue back there... uhh... I'm sorry, I don't know your name," you murmured softly as you gazed into his amber eyes.



After meeting Kenma for the first time, you started to notice him around more often. Sometimes, your brother would hang around him and annoy him just as much as he annoyed you. At least you weren't alone.

Whenever Kuroo left you two alone, claiming that you were boring, the two of you would talk quietly and get to know more about each other. You really enjoyed spending time with Kenma since you two had similar mindsets and insecurities.

You often wondered if Kenma knew how you felt about him. Your crush on him had only been getting bigger. Fortunately, your doubts were cleared by a simple action of his.

"Hey, (f/n), you dropped something!" you heard Kenma call after you as you began to leave after sitting with him during lunch. You turned around and saw him pick up a piece of paper off the floor. "I think this fell out of your bag."

He handed you the paper, and you accepted it with a smile. "Thanks, Kenma." You then waved to him and continued on your way to class. Wondering what the piece of paper was, you unfolded it and were shocked to find a cellphone number written on it followed by Kenma's name.


Your relationship with Kenma was quiet and hidden, but, then again, nobody ever really looked hard enough to find it. Your ignorant brother completely missed the way you and Kenma spent more time together than usual. He didn't notice how you held hands whenever you were together.

And that was just the way you liked it. Nobody else needed to know. You and Kenma were perfectly content having a relationship like that. It was so much more comfortable, especially since Kenma made you feel accepted and safe.

Normally, you wouldn't want anyone to look at you or pay attention to you, but you welcomed any attention Kenma gave you. You gazed right back into his eyes when he looked into your own (e/c) ones. You didn't need anyone else to notice you. All you wanted was his attention, and he gave it to you all the time since he wanted nothing but to be with you.


Requested by @ryou-chan
I hope you liked it!
Next: Sawamura Daichi bc I love that guy and I haven't written about him in forever

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