Too Beautiful? {Akaashi Keiji} (Request)

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You hummed happily as you set up your canvas and grabbed your paint and supplies out of some nearby cabinets. Once you'd set up your studio just the way you'd wanted it, you sat on your stool and waited for your model to arrive, mindlessly taking paints on your palette and mixing them to find pretty colors.

Just a few days ago, you'd gotten inspiration for another project. You'd decided that you wanted to find volunteers and paint them, turning their flaws into things to be proud of to send the message that "being yourself is the most beautiful thing."

Enchanted with this idea and eager to carry it out, you'd searched for people to model for you. You'd found a few and had painted them already, but you had felt like you needed another person, so you'd called up an old friend and asked him if he had any recommendations.

"I'm looking for someone whom I can use to find perfection in their flaws," you'd explained.

"Ohoho! I know someone you can paint! It's funny because he's an artist too! I'll give you his number," your friend, Bokuto, had responded.

And so you'd made an appointment to have the famous Akaashi Keiji come over to your studio so that you could paint him. Being an artist yourself, you'd heard his name somewhere in the bubble, but you'd never met him before.

Now, just as you were starting to get antsy, a knock sounded at the door. "Come in!" you called. The door opened and your jaw practically dropped to the floor.

"Sorry I'm late, Miss (l/n)."

You were speechless. Here, right in front of your face, stood the most beautiful man that you'd ever laid eyes on in your life. He was tall and looked like he had the body of a god, with his gray shirt hugging a perfectly formed chest. His black hair was messy in the most wonderful way and his voice was like pure honey.

"Miss (l/n)?" he questioned, giving you an inquisitive look. Those grayish-green eyes of his sent your heart into a fit of cardiac gymnastics when he looked at you.

You suddenly realized that you were full-on gawking at him. How inappropriate for a first encounter! You cleared your throat and pretended to play off your mouth being wide open as a yawn. "Sorry, Mr. Akaashi, I was just thinking about something. Please have a seat," you spoke without stuttering, miraculously, and stood to shake his hand before gesturing to the stool you wanted him to sit on. His hand was so soft, oh god.

He sat down on the stool you'd set out for him and watched you blankly as you went and sat back down behind your canvas. Every time you looked at him, you felt yourself blush. "Come on, pull it together," you whispered to yourself, hiding behind the canvas.

"Are you talking to me?" Akaashi asked softly, his eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.

You waved your hand at him and shook your head. "Just sit like that and I'll get to work. You're probably a very busy man, so I don't want to keep you for too long," you assured him.

"Don't worry about it, Miss (l/n)," he said politely and stretched his arms out, giving you another view of his perfect muscles.

"Please, call me (f/n)," you said as you started mixing the appropriate colors so that you could get to work.

"Okay, (f/n). Call me Keiji." A small smile appeared on his lips.

Oh god, his voice and that smile... I think I can die happily now...

As you worked, you found yourself having a casual conversation with your model, who, you remembered, was an artist himself.

"I've seen a lot of your work. It's very beautiful, (f/n)," Akaashi commented as sat still, staring directly at you. He was even perfect at being a model. How was this possible?!

"Thank you, Keiji! I enjoy looking at your paintings too. Especially that one you did of the bird..." you responded.

He smiled again and the two of you continued your conversation, relating to one another with your occupations. You kept blushing almost every time you looked at him, but you didn't freak out so much when you really concentrated on your work.

About ten minutes later, you realized something: you were supposed to be looking for flaws. Instead, you'd just been trying to perfect his face and get his posture correct. Damn it!

"Hey, Keiji, do you have any scars or anything?" you asked absentmindedly as you gazed at his body, searching for anything that you could see as a flaw.

"I don't think so..." He looked on his arms, shoulders, and ended up pulling up his shirt to look at his abdomen.

Those muscles! It suddenly felt very warm in the room, so you stumbled over to the window to open it and let in some cool, fresh air.

"I don't, sorry," you heard him reply. When you turned to look at him over your shoulder, he was giving you an apologetic look. "Did you need someone with scars?"

You thought your heart was going to either give out or explode at this point. You picked up your cellphone and called Bokuto. "BOKUTO KOUTAROU!" you screamed when he picked up.

"Oh, what did I do now?" was his lazy reply.

"Keiji is too hot!" you yelled.


"I can't paint him! Bokuto, I asked for someone who I could use to find perfection in their flaws!"

"All I heard was the word perfection and I thought of Akaashi."

"His perfection is the problem!"

"I don't follow..."

"BOKUTO, HE IS FLAWLESS! I can't find any flaws because he doesn't have any!"


"You're useless," you spat and hung up on him. You tossed your phone onto the table nearby and stomped back over to where you'd been sitting in the stool. You clenched your hands into fists as you glared at your canvas.

"(F/n)..." Akaashi's gentle voice sounded from where he sat a few feet away.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time." You spoke briskly and started putting your art supplies away. Akaashi stood up and took a look at your unfinished artwork. "You can leave if you'd like." You came over to take the canvas away, but he stopped you, putting a hand on your arm. You looked at him with wide (e/c) eyes.

"I'm too perfect for you to paint...?" he asked, looking confused, "If I was you, I'd paint perfection when I saw it in something."

"I would... but it won't work for the project I'm doing," you admitted and looked down at the floor.

"You know, I'm working on a project where I paint people that I can see perfection in." His comment made you lift your head, and you found that he was watching you with an unwavering gaze that made your heart pound again. "So can I paint you?"


A request for AnieliKace
I hope you like it!

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