Learning {Futakuchi Kenji}

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It had all started about a month ago, when you'd had dinner with the men's volleyball team from Datekou. As their statistician and a friend to most if not all of them, their team dinners were events you were always welcome to attend. While you didn't have to go with them, you always ended up doing so since Futakuchi, in particular, usually called you on the phone and complained to you if you didn't show up.

After a long night of eating endless amounts of food and cheering Koganegawa on as he tried to scarf down as many dumplings as he could to win a prize, it was safe to say you'd had a good time.

On your way out with the team, you felt a hand grab your arm and give it a gentle tug, making you turn around to find yourself face to face with the team's new captain. "I'll walk home with you, (f/n)," Futakuchi offered with a confident smile.

You couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he released your arm and walked next to you. "I don't know why you tell me this every time... I thought you walking me home was a given at this point?" you teased.

You saw him roll his brown eyes as he jokingly scoffed, "Whatever you say, princess!"

The two of you enjoyed your usual banter after saying your goodbyes to the rest of the team and taking a different path that led to your house. Once the two of you had arrived at your house, you exchanged a parting hug and thanked him for walking back with you, as per usual.

However, he decided to do something different when you started to walk away.

"Hey, wait up."

When you heard him call you and felt his hand grab yours, a bright pink blush instantly colored your cheeks. He, however, looked as calm and confident as ever, even as he boldly pulled you closer to him and pressed a kiss against your lips. This had been a dream come true for you since you'd had a crush on him since you'd first met him at Datekou.

Your kiss, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. You'd never kissed anyone before, but you were pretty sure it wasn't supposed to feel as awkward and rough as this.

"Kenji..." you spoke softly with a slight nervousness when the two of you pulled away.

You saw the confident look on his face dissolve, and he hung his head for a moment, letting his brown hair fall in his face. "I know, (f/n)," he sighed, "It's okay that you're not a good kisser."

Your jaw dropped at his remark and you gave him a shove. "Hey! You can't put that all on me!"

"But you've never kissed anyone before so it's not like you would know what to do. I understand," he tried to assure you with a big smile.

You could tell he was just trying to get a reaction out of you, but even though you knew that, you couldn't help but continue to give him just that.

"Oh? And who have you kissed? Hopefully nobody with an attitude and kissing skills like yours!" you growled angrily.

"Maybe I've had some experience."

With that comment, you suddenly felt inferior, and the heat of your anger was replaced with embarrassment. You rolled your eyes and turned away from your friend when you felt tears sting them.

"God, you're such an asshole sometimes, Kenji! I know you can tell how much I like you, yet all you do is play with my feelings all the time! Even in moments like this, when I finally thought you'd be a little more serious!"

Upon realizing that he'd taken his usual teasing too far and had hurt your feelings, he reached out for you and touched your arm, but you yanked it away from him and stormed into your house, shutting the door behind you without another word.

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