Pool Party {Terushima Yuuji}

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A/n: Terushima's parents are rich in this story lmaooo all those crazy parties aren't free ya know


"Here, try this on!"

You grumbled as your friend shoved a bikini into your arms with a bright smile on her face. You hated shopping for bikinis more than anything since you were so shy.

"Stop being like that, (f/n)! You have an amazing body and I expect you to show it off. Especially at this party tonight!" your friend goaded as she pushed you through the store and into a nearby changing room.

"So forceful..." you murmured under your breath as you held up the bikini and looked at it. There was no saying no to your friend in this situation so you reluctantly changed into it despite your discomfort.

It was the summer break before your last year of college and your best (guy) friend, Terushima, had invited you to a pool party at a vacation house that his parents owned. You usually stayed away from parties in general since you didn't like loud and crowded places, but you could make an exception for Terushima. Even though you two talked almost everyday, you hadn't seen him for a while. And you had a huge crush on the crazy party animal. How? You weren't entirely sure.

Upon telling your friend about Terushima's party, she freaked out and rushed you over to the store after looking through your wardrobe and deciding that your swimsuits weren't cute enough. Now, here you were, in a dressing room for the umpteenth time trying on yet another bikini.

"Hmm..." you murmured as you examined yourself in the mirror. You hated to admit it, but this bikini looked pretty good on you. (I'll let you imagine what it looks like okay). You showed your friend and she approved, so you paid for it and took it home, feeling nervous excitement about the party.


Later that night, you slipped on your brand new bikini, as well as a pair of shorts and a shirt to cover yourself up until you got to the vacation house. You grabbed your purse and your car keys before hopping into your car and driving to the party.

You knew the way to that vacation house by heart. You and Terushima used to spend time there all the time during breaks from school when you were younger. As the two of you got older, however, more people were invited to your hangouts over there, and Terushima began using it simply for parties rather than for spending time with only you and sightseeing.

When you arrived, you found a place to park on the street. There were quite a lot of cars parked nearby the house or inside its gates so you knew that this party was going to be pretty huge. They seemed to get bigger each year as Terushima's list of contacts expanded. You were never forgotten, though.

You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart as you walked into the house. There was loud music playing that hurt your ears and made your head throb with the bass, but you tried your best to ignore it as you moved through crowds of people who were dancing, drinking, or laughing and talking loudly, trying to find the host.

"Hey! (F/n)'s here!" you heard a familiar voice call to you as you walked outside toward the pool. You turned to see Terushima in all of his half-naked glory running towards you in a pair of boarding shorts that matched the color of his old high school volleyball jersey.

Damn, those workouts really paid off, you thought as you glanced at his muscles. You then looked up into his excited, brown eyes as a grin broke out across his face. How does he always look so cute?

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