Stay {Akaashi Keiji}

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A/n: consider this a continuation of Too Beautiful? I know it's super late but I've been thinking about that story for a while and so here I am, writing another part to it haha. I hope you enjoy it!


Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you woke up from your deep slumber. Yawning and stretching out your arms, you looked over at the clock at your bedside table. It was 8:00 am.

Oh hell no. I'm going back to sleep, you thought as you turned away from the clock and settled back down to sleep, pulling the soft sheets up over your shoulders. Closing your eyes, you sighed softly, trying to relax. Something's not right here...

Wait a minute. You peeked underneath the sheets and confirmed that you were, in fact, completely naked save for a skimpy pair of underwear. What the... Oh.

You pressed your face into the palm of your hand as you remembered what had happened yesterday. You'd let your model and fellow artist, Akaashi, paint a picture of you after you'd offered him your art supplies to use. Once he'd finished, the two of you had abandoned painting one another and had gone for a walk in the park, finding things to inspire you.  The two of you had then returned to your studio and started painting a few things that you'd brought back from your adventure through the park, talking  and getting to know one another more closely.

As compensation for letting him use your art supplies, Akaashi had taken you out to dinner, which had been nothing short of wonderful. After that, he'd offered to walk you back to your studio, and you ended up letting him back inside to show him some more of your artwork. Your studio had a bedroom, and the two of you had sat down on the floor in there as you showed him some more of the pieces you'd created.

And then things had gotten a little heated, making your business-only relationship quickly escalate into something else.

Damn it, what am I doing? you wondered as you looked around your room. The spot next to you on the bed was cold and there was no sign that anyone had ever even slept there. Yet you were practically naked. What the hell?

He probably just used me so that he could steal ideas from me to use in his own projects. What a lowlife, you thought, grumbling quietly. But part of you wondered if that night of pure passion that you were still aching from was a result of real feelings or of drunken boldness. If it was the latter, then you'd truly feel like an idiot.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the sound of boiling water emanating from the kitchenette area down the hall. Had you left the door to your studio unlocked? Had some random person come in looking for you?

You hesitated a moment, gripping the sheets tightly. "Keiji?" you called tentatively.

"I'll be right there!" he responded, nearly making you squeal with surprise. You hadn't expected him to be hanging around. You thought he would've just taken what he'd wanted and left. Maybe he wasn't such a lowlife after all? Or maybe he felt inclined to at least make sure you were okay before he left.

Once the sound of boiling water had settled down, you heard soft footsteps before Akaashi appeared in the doorway to your bedroom with two cups of tea in his hands. You hid your face under the covers, blushing as he set a cup down on your bedside table. He was so gorgeous. He quietly blew on his tea to cool it down before taking a sip and carefully setting it down on the floor.


He turned and looked at you, his beautiful eyes gazing into your own (e/c) ones. "Hmm?" He ran a hand through his slightly messy black hair and yawned.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Since... 7:30, I think."

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm sorry, did you want me to leave?" he asked, looking slightly distraught at the idea.

"N-No!" you responded quickly, sitting up slightly and reaching over to take a drink of the tea. The warm and tasty drink soothed you, pushing away the chilliness in the air. "I... I just thought that you might've left..."

Akaashi's eyebrows knitted with confusion as he picked up his cup and took another sip of tea. "Why?"

You tightened your grip even more on the covers and bit your lip slightly. "I've always heard about those dirty tactics that people use to get information or ideas. You know, seducing someone into giving you information, spending the night with them, and then leaving before they wake up..."

You'd had it happen to you before. Of course, you'd been the victim and someone else had stolen a ton of your designs, claiming them as their own. That had lost you a great deal of potential money, so you'd closed yourself off to other artists, not allowing them into your studio at all unless you could fully trust them.

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know..." You slumped under the covers slightly and frowned. "But I want you to stay."

"I wasn't planning on leaving. It would be cruel and stupid to leave such a beautiful woman behind. I'm not one to let important people slip away."

You looked over at him, blushing when you realized that he'd moved closer to you and his face was now mere centimeters away. He pressed a gentle kiss against your lips and you allowed yourself to melt into his arms, resting your head on his shoulder as he ran his hand through your slightly tangled, (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"So this wasn't some episode that happened because we were drunk?" you questioned as you listened to the soothing sound of his strong heartbeat.

"I didn't have any alcohol, (f/n)."


So that means that he made love to me in his right mind? What?!

"Keiji, I have another question."

"You seem to have a lot of those." His tone suggested that he was entertained and amused rather than irritated and annoyed.

"Why am I, like, naked but you're fully dressed?" you inquired, looking up at him.

"If you're so unsatisfied with the situation, you can change it," he responded and looked down at you, smiling softly as he rubbed your bare back, "You have two options, each with different outcomes."

You pursed your lips as you considered your options. You knew what they were. You could either put your clothes on or take his off. You wanted to know how he felt about you. Did he love you? Would he stay?

You made your decision and ran your hands down his back before moving away from him slightly. Once your hands had reached the bottom of his shirt, you started to pull it off of him. He helped you take it off and tossed it down towards the foot of the bed as he gently pushed you down onto the bed and crawled under the covers with you.

You smiled against his lips as he kissed you before parting his lips with yours to kiss down your neck. He unzipped his pants and took them off, blessing you with the view of his perfectly sculpted body once again. A blush rose to your cheeks when you felt his hands slide down your hips and legs, taking your underwear with them.

"Keiji, I love you."

You thought you'd said it in the heat of the moment at first, but then you realized that you truly meant it. It felt naive to fall in love with someone as quickly as you'd fallen in love with him, but your feelings were undeniable.

"Please stay."

He looked up at you and smiled, taking one of his hands and holding your chin in it as he gazed into your eyes. "I love you too, (f/n)." He nuzzled his face against yours. "And I'm not going anywhere."

He sealed his promise with a kiss, followed by many, many more.

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