Bombshell {Shimizu Kiyoko} (Request)

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You and Kiyoko break hearts across the school with your shocking news

Requested by nishibiscuit


"I wanna visit. I miss you, babe."

You saw a gentle blush rise to Kiyoko's cheeks as you watched her intently on your computer screen, making your heart flutter in your chest. In moments like these, you wanted nothing more than to wrap your arms around her and shower her with affection, but, for the time being, you had to settle with only seeing her every now and then using your laptop.

"I miss you too," she responded, her gentle voice wrapping you in warmth, "Hopefully we can see each other soon."

With a sigh, you said, "We'll find a way to make it work."

You and Kiyoko had been dating for a few months now, but distance often kept the two of you apart. The first time you'd laid eyes on her at your brother's volleyball tournament, you were instantly drawn to her beautiful slate gray eyes, the way her raven-colored hair cascaded down from atop her head, and her attractive figure. Even though you were supposed to be there supporting him, you'd spent more time trying to figure out how you were going to capture her attention. Since she had been surrounded by boys who kissed the ground she walked on, you thought she'd be unwelcoming of your advances, but you were happy to have your expectations crushed when she'd engaged in a flirty conversation with you.

Since that moment, your relationship had continued to grow closer mostly through text and video calls until she'd taken you by surprise yet again when she'd asked you to be her girlfriend. Because you were apart most of the time, you cherished whatever moments you got to spend with her when you were able to be together. Sometimes, one of you would be able to take the train or bus to the other's house to spend the weekend together, but schoolwork and extra-curricular activities kept you from being together a majority of the time.

"I have to go, (f/n); my mom's calling me for dinner," she spoke softly, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright." With a slightly saddened smile, you waved to her and said, "I love you."

"I love you too."

The screen went dark as you hung up the call, leaving you staring at your reflection longingly. A knock at your door jolted you from your thoughts and you beckoned your visitor to come inside. When the door swung open, your brother, Satori, sauntered in and hopped onto your bed to sit beside you. "What's up, sis?" he questioned, noticing the slightly downcast look on your features. Before you could respond, he extended a tub of chocolate ice cream towards you. "Want some?"

"Mom's gonna be so mad at you, Satori," you warned him but took the spoon he offered you and scooped some out for yourself anyway.

"Hey, it's just one of those ice cream before and after dinner kinda days." You laughed before sticking a spoonful of delicious treat in your mouth and letting its sweetness melt away the sadness you felt. "Did you just talk to Kiyoko-chan?" he asked, his ruby-colored eyes looking down at you questioningly.

"Yeah," you sighed. Almost instinctively, you stuck your spoon back in the ice cream and helped yourself to another scoop. "I wish I got to see her more often. I want to meet her friends and that team. They look like so much fun."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, they're something else, alright. Fucking crazy." Noticing that his comment didn't elicit a response from you, he wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders and gave you a shake in an attempt to rile you up. "Hey, you know what you should do?"

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