Bites and Scratches {Haiba Lev}

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You awoke from your deep sleep when you felt the bed shift and heard a long sigh. Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open, and you rubbed them before glancing over your bare shoulder at your husband's body. He moved around to get comfortable, pulling some more of the covers and blankets with him. He eventually settled down on his side, and you examined the scratches on his back.

When you saw little bruises, cuts, or scratches on him, you wondered what kind of trouble he'd gotten into, but you knew very well that those bright red scratches on his back were from your fingernails. Things had gotten pretty crazy last night, especially since he was full of energy and wanted to go for what seemed like a million rounds.

You didn't dare to move since you knew that you'd probably be sore. Instead, you lifted up the covers and examined your bare body, feeling shocked when you saw how many bites he'd littered you with. They were on your neck, your shoulders, your torso, and even your inner thighs...

Yep, he'd definitely gotten carried away last night. Well, more so than usual.

Thinking about the hungry and lustful look he'd had in his bright green eyes last night made you look over at him again, wondering if he was even the same person. He was just a giant cat snoozing away in bed next to you, completely oblivious, instead of the predatory animal he'd been just a few hours ago.

You made a mental note to limit the business trips he was allowed to take. When he'd come home from one yesterday evening, he'd flung himself onto you and had refused to let go until he was satisfied. Even though you'd been married to Lev for a few years now, you were still shocked by his spontaneous acts of unleashing some strange animalistic desire he had for you.

Sighing, you laid on your side and looked out the window, pulling the covers closer to your body and curling up into a ball for warmth. Just as you closed your eyes again and started to settle back down to sleep, the bed shifted again.

Lev wasn't very quiet or smooth in his actions, so he often woke you up when he moved around in bed with that clumsy and large body of his. You waited for him to stop, flinching slightly when his hand touched your back lightly.

"(F/n)..." he called gently.

"What is it, Lev?" you asked softly in return.

He wrapped his arms around you after moving closer to you, and held you tightly. Your bare back pressed against his bare torso sent a slight chill down your spine since he was so warm and your back had been so cold. You felt his chin come to rest on your shoulder, his silvery hair brushing against your cheek.

"Did I wear you out?" he wondered. His voice sounded too sweet and innocent to be asking that question or to be coming from the same man who'd been saying some pretty dirty things to you just a few hours ago.

You yawned and nodded before pressing a kiss against the side of his head and smoothing down a stray strand of his hair. "But it's not like I didn't enjoy it. I missed you while you were gone," you assured him. There was a long and comforting silence as he ran his hand along the curves of your torso. "You were a little rough, though."

"I was rough? You totally tore up my back!" he stated, lifting his head up to peer down at you with his piercing green eyes.

"I only did that because you were biting me so hard!" you argued and pulled down the covers so that he could see your body. He examined the bruises that he'd made and sighed before settling back down next to you and pulling the covers back up over the two of you.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll be gentler next time," he promised sweetly, pressing delicate kisses against the bruises on your neck and shoulders. His soft lips and gentle touch felt soothing against your aching body, and you remained silent while he pampered you for a few moments.

You turned your body to face him so that you could wrap your arms around his back and kiss his face and neck in an attempt to make up for all of the stinging scratches you'd given him. He welcomed your affection and tightened his grip around you, bringing you closer to him and kissing your lips.

"Mmh... I love you, (f/n)," he purred as he nestled his head in your neck and held onto you securely, as if he thought you'd disappear if he eased his grip at all.

"I love you too, Lev," you whispered as you stroked his hair and enjoyed his warmth and company. Even though he could be strangely rough in carrying out his desires sometimes, he was usually just as gentle and sweet as a little kitten trapped inside of a giant's body.

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