CATastrophe {Haiba Lev}

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You looked up from the sheet of statistics that you were organizing when you heard footsteps approach you. A pair of brown eyes gazed into yours, and the captain of Nekoma's volleyball team brushed part of his bedhead out of his face.

"Hey, (f/n), do you know where Lev is?" he asked, a look of concern on his features, "I mean, you guys are in the same class, right?"

You felt your heart and stomach drop. "I... I have no idea where he is... He was in class today, but I lost him after school!" you responded with worry as you put the team statistics down on the bench next to you and stood up.

"Do you think you could do me a favor and find him? You seem to be the only one he listens to anyway," Kuroo requested as he looked down at you.

You nodded diligently before hustling out of the gym to begin your search for the missing volleyball player. You wracked your mind, thinking of all of the places he could be, but you had no idea where he'd gone off to. It shouldn't be too hard to find a half-Russian giant, right?

You checked near the school buildings to see if he'd fallen asleep anywhere or was intentionally ditching practice. That didn't seem right to you, though. Lev wasn't the type to ditch practice since it wasn't part of ace etiquette. He wanted to be the best on the team—as unrealistic as it seemed at the time—so he tried to get as much practicing in as he could.

As you walked down the path that extended around the gym, you let out a long sigh. Where the hell was he? You had been in the middle of a very important job as a manager of the team, and Lev's stupid antics—whatever they were—were taking you away from your work.

Just as you were about to give up, you noticed a speck of silver off in the distance. You had no idea what it was, so you approached it to find none other than the giant lying down in the grass alongside the path.

He had completely wiped out, yet a cat was sitting very proudly on his back, licking its paw and mewing softly.

"What the...? Lev...? Lev!" you called out to him, touching his leg.

He groaned loudly in response and started to move. You lifted the cat off his back, and it gratefully snuggled closer to you and allowed you to hold it in your arms. When Lev rolled over and started to sit up, you gasped.

He was covered in scrapes and scratches, his nose was gushing with blood, and he had some pretty nasty bruises on his arms and knees. "Lev, what happened to you?!" you asked as you moved closer to him and examined him to see how badly he was hurt.

"Well," he began, taking some tissues you offered him to clean up his nose, "I was walking to practice via the scenic route, and I found this cat. I wanted to catch it and bring it to practice so that I could show you and make you happy because I know how much you like cats... But then I kinda tripped and fell and totally ate it. And then the cat scratched me numerous times. It was just pretty bad."

You frowned as you fixed his silvery hair, plucking grass and twigs from it. "That's terrible, Lev!" you cried.

"Yeah, it was horrible. So much so that I guess you could call it a catastrophe," he joked and smiled slightly.

"Now is not the time for bad jokes. You're injured and you need to get your ass to practice," you explained, your face showing no amusement whatsoever. The cat in your arms didn't seem to be too happy either, since it hissed at Lev.

Lev let out a long and dramatic sigh as you put the cat down into your lap when you sat down in the grass. He moved closer to you and pressed his head into your chest before wrapping his long and lanky body around yours, agitating the cat.

"L-Lev...!" you gasped quietly, "W-What are y—"

"I just want to sit here for a while..." he murmured as he snuggled up to you and closed his eyes, "I don't want the whole team to make fun of me."

You rested your chin on top of his head and patted his shoulder gently. "Five minutes. Then we'll head back, okay? They'll be a little gentler on you if I'm there."

"Thanks, (f/n)," he said softly.

Eventually, the cat in your lap calmed down as the kitten holding you in his arms was still and silent for a few minutes. They both enjoyed your warmth and comfort until you forced Lev to get up and go to the gym.

Without even realizing it, you'd kept the cat in your arms, and it sat with you during practice while Lev sat on the other side of you, holding ice packs against various parts of his body and allowed you to wrap up his scrapes.

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