Favorite Things {Kageyama Tobio}

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Kageyama dug through his bag for any sort of money. There had to be a few coins floating around somewhere. Unfortunately, he pulled his hand out of his bag to no avail. He had forgotten to bring money today.

His dark blue eyes gazed helplessly at the machine that encased his precious milk carton. The small slot requesting money and the wall of the vending machine were the only things that separated him from what he desired.

He sighed and pouted as he crossed his arms across his chest and walked away from the machine to meet with you for lunch. At least seeing you would make him happier.

As he approached your usual meeting place, he noticed you sitting on a bench, brushing a few (h/l) (h/c) strands of hair away from your face. He stopped in his tracks and stared at you with wide eyes when he noticed what was in your hand: a carton of milk. You raised the straw up to your lips to take a drink and Kageyama suddenly noticed that his throat felt unbearably dry.

In front of him were two of his favorite things: you and milk. It's a good thing that there wasn't a volleyball sitting near you as well or else he might've lost his composure.


He hadn't realized that you'd been calling his name until he snapped out of his daze. His wide eyes focused on you and he saw the curious look on your face.

"What's up? You've been giving me a pretty hardcore stare for a long time..." you commented sheepishly. You patted the bench next to you and he obeyed, sitting down by your side.

"Could I... uhh... have some of that?" he requested and pointed at your milk carton. He rubbed the back of his neck and adjusted his shirt, feeling a bit hot under the collar.

"Oh, sure," you agreed and handed him your carton. He slowly took it from you and looked at it as if he'd never seen it before before sticking the straw in his mouth and sucking the milk out of it. As he drank your milk, you watched your boyfriend closely. He was acting so strangely...

This milk is so good. I love milk. Milk is my favorite. Wait, no, (f/n) is my favorite. She'll share her milk cartons with me no matter what. Mmh... milk...

"Kageyama Tobio!"

"(F-F/n)?!" Kageyama spluttered, nearly spitting his milk out. He turned and looked at you with wide eyes again and you rolled your eyes as you sighed deeply.

"You're so into that carton of milk. Haven't you heard anything I've been saying?" you asked with slight irritation.

Kageyama started to hand your milk carton back to you, but he paused when he realized it was empty. "Sorry, (f/n)..." he apologized quietly both for tuning you out and for drinking all of your milk.

You asked him what was wrong and he sheepishly admitted that he'd forgotten to bring money to buy his daily dose of milk.

"Geez, is that all?!" you cried and threw your arms up in shock. You stood up and straightened out your skirt. "You were acting so shady that I thought you'd murdered someone! You should've just told me, dumbass! I'll buy one for you." You leaned down and planted a gentle kiss against his forehead before walking over to the vending machine to get some more milk for both of you, leaving him sitting on the bench, blushing deeply.

When you returned, you handed him his own carton of milk before sitting back down next to him and sticking a straw into your own. "Thank you, (f/n)!" he said quickly, planting an appreciative kiss on your lips before you could respond.

You were blushing when he pulled away, and you ducked your head slightly, focusing your attention on your milk. "You're welcome, Tobio."

"Can I make up for it with sharing my lunch?" he asked as he opened his bag and started rummaging through it again, searching for his lunchbox.

"It's okay, you don't have to!" you assured him and put your hand on his arm, "I brought my own lunch."

"Good, because I just realized that I forgot mine."


A/n: kags is such a nerd haha

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