True Feelings {Semi Eita} (Request)

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You get a little too drunk at a party and reveal a pretty big secret... whoops!

Requested by starijisung


You could barely contain your excitement as you knocked on the door of your longtime friend's apartment which was conveniently located in the same complex as yours. As your other friends had always mentioned, you and Semi were never far from one another and had been practically inseparable since you'd first met each other in high school. You'd been study buddies, occasional pepper partners, each other's number one supporters, and wingmen. The latter of that list only worked in situations where you tried to set each other up rather than go somewhere together to scope out the crowds, since most people just assumed the two of you were together.

When the door slowly opened, revealing your tall and constantly annoyed-looking friend, you cheered, "Are you ready to party?!"

He raised an eyebrow at you as his brown eyes examined your nicer than usual outfit. "You must be since you actually tried to dress yourself," he commented, checking his pockets for his keys and wallet before stepping into the hallway and shutting the door behind him.

"Hate all you want; you're not killing my vibe tonight," you told him, placing your hands on your hips defiantly.

"I'm not hating," he corrected you, "I'm just wondering who you're trying to impress."

You narrowed your (e/c) eyes at him as the two of you began making your way out of the apartment complex and to the club a few blocks down where the party was set to take place. "I'll have you know that my friend wanted me to dress nice and it's her birthday so I'm gonna do what she wants!"

He scoffed quietly and muttered, "Okay, then."

"Speaking of outfits, yours is so boring, Eita. Like, a black turtleneck sweater and black pinstripe pants? Really? You look like some desperate street artist skater kid. All that's missing is the beanie. And maybe a spider tattoo, or something else edgy." 

Semi had always argued with you over his outfit choices, which he was extremely self-conscious about since he'd been mocked by Satori many times in the past. Tonight, however, your scathing  comment earned a hearty laugh from him, nearly making you jump in surprise. "I took my inspiration from you! I thought you'd think I looked good for once!"

For the record, you did think he looked good, but you liked teasing him more than complimenting him since his ego didn't need the extra boost. "Why don't you leave the sad street girl look to me and stick to your typical business casual style, okay?"

Seeing a smile on his face always made you blush uncontrollably, so you were thankful he wasn't looking over at you this time. Despite remaining friends for so long, you couldn't deny that you had developed feelings of something more than friendship towards him. Sometimes, his atrocious hot-headedness and competitive behavior turned you off and made you swear off ever wanting to date him, but his handsome appearance and tenderness he was capable of showing towards people he cared about always drew you back to the idea of being with him. He never seemed like he had wanted to be in a relationship, though, and you saw the apathy he displayed when discussing how he'd broken up with previous girlfriends. Because of his lack of interest, you decided it was best to keep your feelings to yourself and hope you found your match, even though you couldn't help but think it was him.

When the two of you arrived at the club and made your way inside, you quickly put your thoughts about Semi out of your mind to greet your other friends and whomever they'd decided to bring along. Another one of your old friends, Ushijima Wakatoshi, was in attendance since he happened to be dating the friend whose birthday you were celebrating, and you greeted him with a quick hug before allowing him to shake Semi's hand. When he did, you saw his dark eyes look at his friend's outfit with somewhat of an amused smile on his face.

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