Too Late {Ushijima Wakatoshi} (Request)

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You want a relationship, but Ushijima isn't ready until it's too late.

Requested by SADUWUTRASH


Since the beginning of your third year in high school, you and Ushijima had been involved in a complicated romance with no strings attached. At first, it had worked well for both of you because you wanted all the benefits of being in a relationship without the title and the expectations. Whenever he wanted you to spend time with him, he would text you and ask if he could come over, and you would do the same. The rest of the time, you would act only as acquaintances, talking to each other in class and at lunch from time to time, but no more than that to avoid raising suspicion. It was a simple concept, but had complex and unforeseen implications.

Because you weren't technically in a relationship with Ushijima, you couldn't expect anything from him romantically or emotionally and you couldn't count on him to prioritize you. If he didn't want to come over when you asked him to, he had no problem with shutting down the idea and pushing you to the side until he'd decided he wanted you. If another girl started flirting with him in class, he didn't try to stop them, which made your blood boil. You wanted to be the only one he cared about, and knowing he didn't seem to acknowledge you unless he needed you eventually forced you to come to terms with your feelings.

You had grown tired of trying to bring up your thoughts to him only to have them dismissed because the two of you had no obligations to one another. It seemed so natural for Ushijima to act like he wasn't bothered about you, which made you think that maybe he really wasn't interested at all. The only agreements the two of you had kept and honored were that neither of you would call on anyone else the way you did each other, and that your arrangement was to remain a secret. But you weren't satisfied with that anymore.

At first, everything had been a rush. Having the star volleyball player at your school choose you to spend his time with had made you feel so special and important. Knowing you had the hottest guy in your class at your beck and call just brought even more excitement to the arrangement. But as time wore on and your feelings towards him started to grow, you became disappointed and unimpressed with your relationship. If he wanted you enough to keep you around, then he should've had no issue with making you his girlfriend, right? That's what you always told yourself, but as time dragged by and his feelings were left undetermined, you began to think his desire for you was starting to fade. That you were an object of fleeting desire to him.

After spending months pushing your feelings to the side in order to keep the peace and avoid scaring him off, you couldn't take it anymore. You felt that you deserved better than what you were settling for with him and you needed answers. Your emotions finally reaching a boiling point was what made you text him and tell him you were going over to his house rather than asking if he was available.

A knot of worry and panic sat in your stomach as you knocked on his door and waited. Eventually, he answered and allowed you inside. You took a deep breath and clasped your clammy hands together when you sat down on the couch, avoiding his prying gaze.

"What is it, (f/n)?" he questioned, his brown eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance.

You brushed your (h/c) hair behind your ear and stated, "I'm not happy with this anymore."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and walked over to the couch, taking a seat beside you, but leaving plenty of room between you. "Did I do something that upset you?"

His voice sounded so harsh and indifferent that you questioned how you had been able to put up with his brusque behavior for so long. "What's upsetting me is that you're not doing anything!" you snapped, your eyes finally meeting with his, "I'm tired of not feeling important to you! If you care about me the way you say you do and you want to be with me, then why are we still doing this?"

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