Five Things {Sawamura Daichi}

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1. He's caring and watches over you.

As you say at home watching television while seeing if you could balance a bowl of chips on top of your rounded belly, the sound of your cell phone ringing interrupted you.

"How many times have you called me today? I lost count," you answered when you picked up the phone.

"Sorry, I'm just checking in to make sure that everything is okay," your husband responded sheepishly.

"I'm fine, Daichi. Honestly, if you're going to call me this often, you might as well stay home," you said jokingly with a small chuckle.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'll try to stop calling so often. But I'm coming home in an hour, so I'll pick up something for dinner."

"Alright. Now get off the phone before your boss gets mad at you."

"Yeah, yeah. Love you, babe."

"I love you too."

With that, you hung up and set your cell phone down on the coffee table again before returning your attention to your television show. After being with Daichi for so many years, you knew how caring he was and how much he wanted to look out for you, so it was no surprise that he was constantly calling and wanting to watch over you while you were pregnant.

Later, when Daichi returned home, he greeted you happily and gave you a kiss before plopping down on the couch next to you and pressing a kiss against your swollen abdomen. You smiled brightly at him as he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

"I'm surprised your boss hasn't confiscated your phone," you commented, placing your hand over his as he rubbed your belly.

"He's probably just so used to me calling you that he doesn't even try anymore," Daichi responded with a chuckle, "Besides, I just want to check in on my pregnant wife. Is that illegal?"

"Haven't you heard of texting?"

"You know I'm terrible at texting. The buttons are too small for my fingers."

"Our baby hasn't even been born yet and you're already being such a dad."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


2. He's loving and gentle.

After you'd finally given birth to your baby boy and the doctors had taken care of him, you got the opportunity to hold him in your arms for the first time. As you cooed to him softly and stroked his chubby cheeks, Daichi moved closer to your bed and looked at his son.

His face lit up when you handed his baby boy over to him and let him hold him. You felt your heart warm at the way he looked down at the little baby in his arms with a kind of love and admiration that you'd never really seen before. He rocked his son back and forth ever so gently and pressed gentle kisses against his forehead.

You knew that Daichi was going to be a great father before you'd even gotten pregnant, and seeing the way he handled his newborn son only confirmed your assumptions. He was so loving, and the cute interaction between your husband and his baby boy made you smile.

Eventually, Daichi handed your newborn child back to you so that you could hold him. You readjusted his blankets and gave him a gentle kiss before looking over at Daichi, who was watching you with a grin on his face.

"I love you," he told you and kissed your cheek, brushing strands of your (h/l) (h/c) away from your face.

"I love you too," you replied happily as he stroked your cheek. He pressed his lips against yours gently before pulling away and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, looking down at the baby in your arms.

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