By Your Side {Semi Eita} (Request)

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You get injured in a match and Semi goes ballistic
Requested by @MiraiRin

"Yes, (f/n); great job!"

You tried your best to hide the sheepish smile that crept onto your face when you heard your boyfriend cheering heartily for you from where he sat on the bleachers next to the court. Usually, Semi was rather serious and quiet unless he was playing volleyball or telling someone off for bothering you, so you thought it was a nice (and cute) change to see him get excited about you playing volleyball.

He was your biggest supporter and he came to every single one of your games so that he could cheer you on and look after you in the event that you needed anything. During long tournament days over the weekends, he'd usually rush over to the gym once he'd finished practice and had showered so that he could watch you, hang out with you in between games, and bring you snacks. You honestly didn't know what you'd do without him.

When the next point your team scored culminated with you earning another kill, Semi stood up and clapped loudly as he cheered for you once again. Since you were a wing spiker, most of Semi's cheers for you came from you scoring points by sending the ball into the floor on the other side of the court or into the faces of your opponents.

As the match progressed and began to near its end, you watched the other team as you waited to receive their serve, and your eyes met with those of a girl on the other side who had been giving you a death glare since the beginning. It didn't unnerve you, however; it only made you want to kick their asses even more.

When a member of the opposing team served, the libero for your team received the ball with ease and sent it straight to the setter. You called out loudly for a set, which she granted you and you chased before jumping into the air and hitting the ball past the blockers. Upon realizing that you'd scored yet another point, you prepared to join your teammates in a cheer, but were instead met with intense pain when you landed on the floor.

Someone's foot had landed underneath yours on your side of the net and you'd come down on it, sending nearly unbearable pain shooting up your leg from your ankle. You let out a cry of shock and sank down to the floor, lying on your back and covering your face with your hands to block out the lights on the ceiling and shield your watering eyes from your teammates, your coach, and the spectators.

Semi had originally been cheering, but once he noticed that you were hurt, his instincts kicked in and he leapt up off the bleachers before rushing onto the court. The other girls on your team, who had immediately huddled around you, made way for him so that he could kneel down next to you and see what was going on.

"(F/n), what happened?" Semi asked with worry as he put his hand on your shoulder and watched you with worry.

You wiped a few tears away from your face and took a deep breath before responding, "I landed on that girl's foot." You pointed to the girl who had been giving you dirty looks the entire match, and Semi felt his blood boil.

"It would be nice if the players on the other team would stay on their side of the court," your boyfriend remarked bitterly, making the referee shoot him a warning look.

"Young man, would you like to be ejected from this game entirely? If so, keep up that complaining," the ref threatened.

"I'm only telling the truth. I mean look at that girl!" Semi gestured to the girl as she shot you a victorious and evil smile upon hearing you mention of what she'd done. "She literally put her foot under the net on purpose so that she could injure my girlfriend and take her out of the game. That's foul play!"

Semi was about to continue, but the referee cut him off by hissing, "One more word out of you and I will kick you out of this gym!"

Before your boyfriend could utter another word and go off on the referee, you grabbed his arm and shot him a pleading look when his brown eyes met your (e/c) ones. He quickly closed his mouth and let out a sigh of defeat before wrapping your arm around his shoulders and helping you up to your feet, taking extra care not to hurt you.

The audience applauded as he helped you hobble over the sideline to sub you out of the game, much to your displeasure. He then put his other arm underneath your knees and swept you up off of the ground so that he could carry you to the room in the gym that the trainer occupied. Feeling embarrassed and disappointed with your inability to finish the game and the fact that everyone had seen you cry, you buried your face in his shoulder and held onto him tightly so that you wouldn't have to see the looks anyone gave you.


After arriving at the trainer's room and being told that your ankle had only suffered a minor sprain, you laid down on a table with a scowl on your face and an ice pack on your ankle, which was now resting atop a fluffy pillow.

Semi could sense your frustration besides the fact that your team had ended up beating the other team and your teammates had come to visit you, cheer you up as best as they could, and give you your gear that had been left behind, so he made sure to comfort you as best as he could.

"I really wanted to finish that game..." you muttered angrily as you stared up at the ceiling.

"I know you did, (f/n), but, luckily, your ankle isn't messed up too badly. You'll be back on the court to kick that girl's ass in no time," Semi replied before planting a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help but smile slightly at his comment, and seeing your spirits lift a bit made your boyfriend return your smile and press another kiss against your lips.

Your moment was interrupted when the trainer entered the room again to remove the ice from your ankle, making Semi retreat from the kiss while struggling to hide his dissatisfaction with having to do so. Once she had finished, Semi gave you your sweater to put on so that you didn't get cold before slinging your backpack over his shoulder and picking you up again.

"Eita, I can walk," you argued softly. You didn't want him to wear himself out by carrying you everywhere when you had one perfectly functioning leg.

"No," was his simple response.

Upon realizing that he was set on carrying you, you thanked him quietly and rested your head on his shoulder, feeling his blonde hair brush your forehead and cheek from time to time as he took you to the train station.


After diligently carrying you both onto and off of the train and to your house, he eventually set you down once he'd gotten to your room. Your parents weren't home, so he vowed to stay the night (which you knew he would've done anyway) and waited patiently on your bed while you went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once you'd finished struggling to get changed out of your clothes, get into the shower, and change back into your pajamas, you emerged from the bathroom and limped over to your bed, where you noticed that your boyfriend had already placed a pillow for your ankle. He had also put a glass of water on your beside table next to your container of pain medication.

"Are you still doing okay?" he questioned as he helped you crawl onto the bed and situate your ankle on the pillow.

"I didn't fall and crack my head open, so, yeah, I'm okay," you responded rather morbidly.

Semi was quiet for a moment as you shook a pill out of the container and into your hand before taking it with the glass of water he'd gotten for you. You then let out a long sigh and let him wrap a blanket around the two of you as he moved closer to you. When he pulled you even closer to him, you looked up at him for a moment before placing an appreciative and loving kiss on his lips.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I really appreciate everything you do," you told him honestly when your lips separated for a moment.

Semi's serious expression departed for a brief second as a hint of a smile appeared across his face. "You won't have to worry about being taken care of while I'm by your side, (f/n)."

His reassuring words were enough to make you feel completely at ease because you knew he'd always be by your side. He'd constantly told you and showed you that.

Semi rested his forehead against yours and watched as your (e/c) eyes fluttered closed so that you could settle down to sleep. He gently ran his hand through your hair and stroked the side of your face with his thumb until he knew that you were soundly asleep. It was only then that he allowed himself to drift off beside you.


A/n: I originally didn't intend to make this story as fluffy as it is because I didn't want Semi to seem ooc but whoops the heart knows what it wants what can I say. 

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