At First Sight {Azumane Asahi} (Request)

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Everyone at Karasuno knew that Azumane Asahi was a giant with a meek and cautious personality. Even though he towered over many of the other students bustling through the hallways, he usually averted his eyes nervously whenever anyone looked at him, no matter how tall they were.

When he first locked eyes with you for the first time, however, he found that he couldn't look away. Even though you were quick to avert your own (e/c) gaze out of embarrassment, his eyes remained on you long after you'd passed by him.

After that first encounter, Asahi found that he noticed you more and more frequently amongst the other students. He wanted so badly to talk to you and to get to know you, but he was terribly afraid of screwing up and coming off as a total creep. Those rumors that were being spread about his reputation as a drug dealer weren't exactly going to help his case either.

Luckily, he had a link to you—one of your friends just happened to be in the same class as him. Unfortunately, that didn't make things any easier for him. He'd still have to talk to someone he didn't know very well and ask a very awkward question.

When he'd built up the wavering confidence to approach your friend, he'd quickly been scared out of talking to her again.

"Hey, (friend's name)-san... I—" he began as he'd walked over to her desk.

She'd interrupted him quickly with a bright smile that she hid behind as she looked him up and down. "Oh, Asahi! I was just about to ask you something that we were wondering about! How many years have you been held back?" She had watched him curiously.

Her gaze and her question were enough to make him break down again on the inside. "I... Uhh... I-It's... Is having a goatee really that bad?!" he'd whimpered nervously as he scurried away from her desk.

Needless to say, that had been an utter failure. But he wasn't going to give up.


One day, during lunch, you had your usual issue with a group of bullies confronting you near the vending machine. This had happened so many times that you could nearly anticipate the words that would come out of their mouths as they shot verbal daggers at you, insulting both your shortness and your chubbier build.

You tried to brush off the things they said to you, but that didn't make their words hurt any less. The boys were a group of handsome assholes, while their girlfriends were all so tall and had perfectly skinny bodies, with curves in exactly the right places. They made you feel so disappointed with yourself and the way you looked.

Meanwhile, Asahi was heading over to the vending machine to get his favorite drink. He stopped in his tracks, though, when he saw you bring cornered by a group of bullies. You were avoiding the sharp gazes of the other girls and boys as they laughed at you and shot more harsh words your way.

Even though Asahi felt overwhelmingly nervous and shaky, he must've had an expression of outrage on his face since the bullies fled the scene as soon as they caught a glimpse of him. Once the bullies were gone, you looked up at your savior and raised an eyebrow when you saw that he was almost trembling with fear.

"... Thanks..." you said quietly, giving him a small smile.

This sent his heart into a fit of fluttering, and he blushed profusely. "Well, I've gotta go!" He quickly started to speed walk down the corridor, but you jogged over to him and stopped him.

"Hey! What's with that? You're just going to save me and then run away?" you cried.

There was a long pause as he turned and looked into your desperate, (e/c) eyes, and he felt, once again, as if he couldn't look away. He was completely mesmerized by you.


After that event, the two of you became fast friends. You each got used to being around each other, so your relationship wasn't as awkward as it had been at the beginning.

Your feelings of love for Asahi grew as your friendship developed. He made you feel safe and appreciated. Whenever he was around you, the bullies didn't dare to come near you. You enjoyed being around him and he never ceased to brighten your day despite the fact that he was such a worrywart. You thought he was pretty cute, anyway.

Little did you know that Asahi felt the same about you. He didn't feel nervous or self-conscious whenever you were by his side even though he was constantly finding himself feeling flustered over how beautiful you were. He didn't think your height or your chubbiness were unattractive. To him, it felt all the more enjoyable to hug you because of these qualities, and you were the one who often had to remind him to let go.

After being friends with him for quite awhile, you found that the love you felt for him was only growing, and it was getting harder and harder for you to hold back your true feelings.

Before one of his games, you thought you had slipped up when you'd been daring enough to give him a peck on the cheek.

"G-Good luck!" you'd stuttered slightly as you had smiled at him, blushing profusely.

He hadn't made any response before practically sprinting out of the foyer of the gym and through the doors that led to the court he was going to play on with his team. You had kicked yourself mentally for doing that, and you'd felt upset at the thought that maybe he didn't like you back.

During the game, you cheered for him and the rest of the team, but you couldn't get rid of the sinking feeling you had whenever you thought about his reaction to that kiss you'd given him. What did I do wrong? Why did he run away like that? Ugh... he probably doesn't like me back and now we're going to be awkward friends, you thought unhappily.

After the game was over, you cautiously waited in the lobby for Asahi to emerge from the locker room with the rest of the team. You tapped you foot nervously and adjusted your (h/l) (h/c) hair. When he finally appeared from around a corner with the other boys, you felt your heart flutter wildly in your chest. What is he going to say? What is he going to do?

Asahi summoned up all of his courage as he split from the group of boys to approach you. Then, without pausing to think, he wrapped his arms around you and captured your lips in a gentle kiss. When he pulled away to look at you, he blushed intensely at the sight of your own face, beautiful as always and tinted pink with your own blushing.

As the two of you gazed into each other's eyes, you smiled, and Asahi no longer felt the need to apologize profusely for doing something so rash. The look on your face said it all, and he knew that you loved him too without you having to say it.


Requested by @sleepingthepainaway
I hope you liked it!
Next up: Takeda Ittetsu

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