Self-Conscious {Tanaka Ryuunosuke} (Request)

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Reader is chubby and short upon request :)


You were waiting patiently outside of the school building underneath a small tree, which was where you and your boyfriend, Tanaka, met after school so that he could walk you home. He seemed to be taking forever, and you were getting slightly impatient. Your impatience increased, however, when you noticed a few other schoolgirls and boys walk past you, look you up and down, and snicker amongst themselves.

You looked down at yourself and inspected your clothes for any marks that they could possibly be finding so entertaining. Alas, you knew deep down inside that your fellow classmates weren't laughing at your clothes, but at your physique. Sure, you were on the chubby side and you were a bit tall compared to the rest of the girls around you, but you didn't think it was that funny. Honestly, did these people have lives?

"Come on, (f/n), cover yourself up!" you heard a male voice call out to you. You turned and saw two guys standing nearby with disgusting smirks on their faces. "Your uniform is so tight that we can see everything. And we don't want to see it!"

His friend snickered. "Too bad they didn't seek uniform sizes above triple XL... You could've used that," he added.

You felt your face heat up with anger as you clenched your hands into fists. "Oh yeah? Well it's a shame they didn't sell pants in a size triple XS to better fit you, since it's not like you two have any balls anyway," you retorted, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

That comeback wiped the smirks off their ugly faces and they glared at you. One of them stepped forward and snarled, "You'd better watch what you say, bitch."

You gasped quietly and were about to respond, but stopped when you felt a hand on your shoulder and saw the boys' faces turn pale. "What did you just call her, you bastards?"

The two boys were gone before you knew it, scrambling to get away from your menacing boyfriend. You could practically picture the look on his face now, even though he was standing behind you.

"Ryuunosuke..." you murmured softly, feeling your heart warm at his coming to defend you.

Your boyfriend leaned down towards you and planted a kiss on your forehead. "As long as your my girl, I won't let anyone treat you like that and get away with it," he assured you with a confident smile. He slung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close as the two of you made your way towards the school gates, beginning the journey to your house.

Even though you could stand your ground against the bullies, their insults still hit you where it hurt and made you see yourself in a negative way. You were trying to build up your self-confidence and they most definitely weren't helping. As the two of you walked, you noticed more of your classmates whispering about you, snickering, or giving you strange looks. You felt uncomfortable, so you moved closer to Tanaka and let his warmth comfort you.

On your way home, Tanaka ate some extra snacks he'd packed in his bag, offering you some like he always did. You declined this time, however, thinking about the pocket of flab that you could see poking out from above your skirt.

"Hey, what's up, (f/n)? You always take my snacks when I offer them..." he asked, sounding a bit dejected and worried as his normally bright and energetic eyes looked down into yours with concern.

You didn't speak for a few moments and you refused to make eye contact with him. "Ryuunosuke, what is it that you like so much about me? I... just don't understand why you're so attracted to me..." you wondered, looking up at him expectantly with your (e/c) eyes.

Tanaka's eyebrows raised slightly and he tightened his grip around you lovingly. "What's not to like?" he asked, a small smile playing on his lips. The smile soon disappeared when something occurred to him. "Hey, are you asking because of what those stupid bastards said to you earlier? If so, then try not to let 'em get to you!"

You were asking because of what people had been saying about you, but you weren't going to tell him that. You just wanted to hear his answer to your question. "But what about me is so attractive to you?" you reiterated, a pleading look in your eyes as you watched him.

"So many things!" he responded happily, "I could go on and on, so I'll just give you a few reasons for now." His response made your heart flutter in your chest, and you smiled slightly. "First of all, I know I'm not the smartest guy in school—although I am one of the most handsome—but even I am smart enough to see what an amazing girl you are. And I'm definitely not stupid enough to tease you because you're different. Part of the reason why I like you so much is because you're different!"

You blushed and ducked your head slightly. You could always leave it to Tanaka to boost your self-esteem when you were having a rough day. While he could be loud and annoying sometimes, you knew he had good intentions.

"Second of all, your size is perfect! I mean, when you look around school at all those other girls, they're all as thin and flat as rulers. Your curves are awesome, and you make a comfy pillow since you—unlike other girls—actually have some meat on your bones! I like that!" he continued.

For such a long time, you'd strived to be thin and skinny, but hearing Tanaka's comment now made you realize how much he enjoyed your chubbiness. Before, you'd felt like you needed to lose weight to be accepted, but now, you felt fine remaining as you were. Who cared what other people thought about you anyway? Tanaka obviously adored you the way you were, and so did your friends.

"Also, you don't judge me when I eat. Ooh, I hate it when people do that! Can you just imagine what it would be like dating someone who's always saying, 'Are you really going to eat all of that?!' or asking how many calories are in a glass of water. I'm so thankful that you're not like that. Instead, you just share your food with me and eat along with me without judging or asking questions. How dreamy! Starving yourself is totally unattractive... I mean, why choose to eat nothing when you have so many options?!"

You giggled both at what he said and his imitation of a girl's voice. You'd always felt so bad about yourself for eating so much, but Tanaka ate practically the same amount of food that you did, if not more, now that you thought about it. That was slightly reassuring since you didn't feel like such a pig now.

"Lastly," he said, pulling you into a hug, "your shortness allows me to rest my head on top of yours whenever we hug, and I really enjoy that. Because then, I can smell how sweet your hair is... Whoops! I wasn't supposed to say that out loud!" He cleared his throat loudly as he pulled away from you slightly so that he could see your face. You smiled a bit when you noticed he was blushing. "I mean, I just admire everything about you, (f/n), and I hope you can see that and remember that when people bug you. And if they keep bugging you, by the way, tell 'em that Tanaka Ryuunosuke will come to beat 'em up! That'll send 'em running, ya know, since I just have that kind of effect on people."

You chuckled and pulled him into a hug, burying your face in his shoulder. "Thank you." He hugged you back tightly and you felt yourself smile. You really were grateful to have a boyfriend as wonderful as Tanaka was. You knew he could be a bit goofy and childish from time to time, but he was always sincere.

Before, you'd wanted to change yourself to fit in, but now, you felt perfectly content with yourself knowing that Tanaka would adore you just the way you were.


A request for @nerdbait
I hope you liked it!

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