The Best {Bokuto Koutarou} (Request)

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As you walked across your college campus, making your way to the gym, you looked around at the enormous school grounds around you. When you'd first arrived, the college had seemed so big and scary, but it had been a home to you for a few years now.

You thought about what you should do with Bokuto after he was finished practicing. Usually, you stayed back at your dorm and did your work, but you were coming to his practice today only because he'd requested a sports drink, so you'd been kind enough to fetch one for him. My roommate is going to be gone all day so I guess Bokuto can just hang out in my room after practice... you thought.

You were about to turn your attention to the gym ahead of you, but you stopped and did a double take when you noticed a familiar face that made your heart sink and your stomach knot. Standing a few feet away from you was a guy who had a reputation for being an asshole. He constantly picked on you, but you were usually able to brush him off.

Bokuto didn't know about him. You'd avoided talking about him. You could handle the situation on your own and that was that. Nobody else needed to be dragged into it.

"Hey, (f/n), long time no see!" the guy called out to you, making you cringe and walk faster. You quickly turned your gaze away from him and pretended as if you hadn't seen him at all. Suddenly, as you neared the outside of the gym, the guy appeared in front of you with a sinister look on his face. "When I greet you, I expect you to have the decency to say something back."

"Okay," you sighed angrily, "how about see ya later?" You quickly tried to move around him, but he blocked your path. You grumbled and turned around, only to be surprised by another guy standing directly behind you. "W-What the...?"

Apparently, your bully had brought friends who were a lot taller and scarier looking than he was. Now you were worried. As they gathered around you, watching you with devilish smirks, they wrestled your bag from your grasp and searched through it, most likely looking for your wallet. You tried to fight back, but you were threatened with things worse than having your money stolen.

As the guys surrounded you and toyed around with you, the volleyball team in the gym stopped practice for a water break. Bokuto, wondering why you hadn't arrived with his drink yet, stepped outside of the gym and looked around only to be confronted by the sight of you being tormented by a group of guys a few feet away.

That sight ruffled his feathers, and he practically flew over to you as his blood boiled with rage. This was going to be a time when his naturally loud voice came in handy. Once he'd reached you, he pushed the guys away from you, grabbed your bag out of their hands, and screamed, "GET AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW! GET OUT!"

Shocked by Bokuto's sudden appearance and the intensity of his voice, the group of bullies scrambled to get away from him, tripping over each other as they ran away.

"Koutarou..." you whimpered quietly. Tears suddenly sprang to your eyes as you looked up at him, and the features on his face softened as he pulled you into a hug and held you closely to him. "Thank you."

"What did those guys do to you?! Has this happened before?! Why didn't you tell me that you were being bullied?!" Bokuto asked quickly, showing how concerned and worked up he was.

"They didn't do anything too bad... I think they just wanted my money. Nothing like this has happened before! I've been teased and annoyed by one of those guys, but I was able to brush him off so I didn't say anything about it. This was the first time he brought people with him and actually attacked me!" you explained, sniffling and furiously wiping tears from your eyes as you rested your head on Bokuto's shoulder.

After going silent for a few moments, your boyfriend put his hands on both of your shoulders and looked down into your eyes as you moved away from him. "Hey, from now on, if anyone else dares to insult you, I want you to tell me so that I can handle them," he said firmly as he watched you with his golden eyes.

You looked back at him with your own (e/c) gaze, and you nodded hesitantly. "Okay."

"I love you and I'm not going to let you deal with idiots like them on your own."

You felt your heart flutter in your chest, and you wrapped your arms around him, pulling his face down towards you so that you could kiss him. "I love you too." After cuddling with him for a few moments, you handed him the sports drink you'd got for him and gave him a small smile. "Here you go, babe," you said softly.

"Thanks! You're the best!" he exclaimed happily and gave you a bright smile that seemed to dispel all of the sadness and shame you'd been feeling earlier. He grabbed your hand with his free one and led you toward the gym. "Now, come on into the gym with me. I'll make sure that you're safe."

His comment made you feel all the more at ease, and made you appreciate having him as your boyfriend. He really was the best.


Requested by @Pickledipper
Hope you liked it!
Next up: Hinata!
Note: requests are CLOSED for the time being because I will have something different to try after I finish the remainder of my requests! Stay tuned!

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