Drop It Like It's Hot {Kuroo/Bokuto} (Request)

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Based off the headcanon that Kuroo and Bokuto like American rap/pop music and dance moves
Requested by @lori20365


"Tetsurou, what the hell are you doing...?" you mumbled as you opened the door to your room and walked downstairs. You'd been trying to do your homework while you left your boyfriend downstairs to play video games, but you'd been interrupted by the sound of music coming from downstairs.

As you walked into the living room, you were surprised to see that your boyfriend was playing video games while dancing to one of his favorite songs. "Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, them boys up to something!"

He threw a dab in there for extra emphasis as he continued singing along and playing his game at the same time. Since he hadn't noticed you, you took the opportunity to take out your phone and record him while trying to hold in your laughter. Once you were done recording blackmail footage, you put your phone away and walked over to where his phone was sitting on the table.

"You are such an idiot," you commented as you turned his music down. He continued to sing along shamelessly until you completely muted the song.

"Hey! Don't be such a party pooper! Come over here and dance with me!" he whined as you started walking back upstairs.

"No. I can't dance," you responded.

"I'll teach you!" he offered, pausing his game so he could turn around and wink at you, "That way, you won't be cramping my style all the time with your inability to dab."

You scoffed at his comment. "If I learn to dance like you do, people will think I'm having seizures all the time," you retorted.

You saw Kuroo's jaw drop as he watched you return to your room. "(F/n), why are you do mean to me?!"

"Because you're an idiot and because I love you." You blew him a kiss before walking into your room and continuing with your work. You never knew what to expect from your boyfriend, especially now that he'd added whips, nae naes, and dabs to his repertoire of dance moves.


"Turn on Pandora," Bokuto requested as he looked up at you from where his head was in your lap.

You opened up the app on your phone and let it play whatever music you desired as the two of you relaxed on your bed. You didn't like a few of the songs, so you skipped past them until Bokuto stopped you.

"Wait, (f/n)!" he cried and grabbed your wrist. He waited for the song to start up before nodding and yelling, "This is my song!"

"Damn, I'm out of skips..." you groaned before he snatched your phone out of your hand and leapt up off the bed.


"Koutarou, what are you—"

"Soulja boy off in this hoe
Watch me crank it, watch me roll
Watch me crank that soulja boy
Then superman that hoe!"

He started doing crazy dance moves as he sang along to the song and turned the volume all the way up.

"Oh my god..."

"Now watch me you!" He threw in another strange dance move before repeating it and starting the chorus over.

"I'm leaving."

While watching your boyfriend dance and sing along to this crazy song was entertaining, you couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh come on, (f/n)! You know you can't resist me!" he called to you as you walked out of your room.

"Watch me," you said, throwing in a whip, since he'd made you learn that dance move.

"Ayyeee! Wait, come back!"

You added a nae nae as you back pedaled out of the room and left him alone to dance to his heart's content.

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