Stargazing {Tsukishima Kei}

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As you lay awake in your makeshift bed on the floor—which was nothing more than a jumble of blankets and a pillow—and listened to the sound of gentle snoring around you, you found it difficult to sleep. You needed your rest as much as everyone else did. All of you were managers of one team or another and needed to be at your best to cheer on your teams the following day. You especially needed to be able to help support your tired and disheartened team.

But you just couldn't sleep. Maybe some fresh air will help, you thought as you carefully sat up before getting up on your feet. You adjusted your sweater and tiptoed out of the house, being cautious not to wake any of the other girls.

Once you'd made it outside successfully, you walked aimlessly down a path, going wherever it took you. Even though it was nighttime, the world around you didn't seem so dark and menacing. The moon was shining clearly through the thin clouds that drifted by, and you could see the stars twinkling in the sky. Looking up at the sky had a calming effect on you, so you strayed from the path, trying to find somewhere on the grassy hill nearby to sit. You could practically see the prints of court shoes in the grass from the number of times that the Karasuno team had had to run up this hill today.

As you climbed the hill, you froze when you noticed a shadow sitting near the top, exactly where you were heading. You carefully approached the shadow until you recognized a person. Your boyfriend, Tsukki, was sitting atop the hill, a blank stare on his face as he adjusted his headphones.

"Kei," you called out to him. You didn't want to disturb anyone else by speaking too loudly, so you simply approached him when he didn't hear you. You sat down next to him, gazing into his amber eyes when he glanced over at you for a moment. "What are you doing out here? Why aren't you sleeping?" you asked with concern.

He sighed loudly and slid his headphones down so that they hung around his neck. "I can't," was his simple reply. You should've expected that much from him. "And what sort of catastrophe awakened you from your slumber?" He raised an eyebrow, a cheeky smile on his face.

You smacked him, growling, "I'm not that heavy of a sleeper!" Eventually, once your energy to attack him had run out, you took a deep breath and pulled your legs up to your chest, holding them with your arms. "I can't sleep, either."

"So you came out here to watch the stars," he suggested, not looking at you, but instead fastening his gaze on the glowing moon.

"Great minds think alike, I guess," you commented softly as you turned your attention to the sky as well, watching the stars and moon as if they would disappear at any given moment, and now was your last chance to see them.

Tsukki scoffed slightly, making you punch him lightly in the arm. You unfurled your legs, laying them out on the cold grass beneath you, and put your hands down at your sides to hold you up. You felt slightly shocked when one of your hands touched one of Tsukki's warm ones. Instead of flinching, however, your normally indifferent boyfriend took your hand in his and held it gently.

You blushed and moved closer to him. He placed his other hand on the side of your face, leaning down to give you a kiss. "Kei..." you murmured quietly, your words trailing off as you took a moment to admire the way his face looked in the moonlight. You smiled and ran one of your hands through his slightly messy blonde hair before wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his warm shoulder.

"You know, (f/n), I came out here to be alone," he spoke softly. His words made your heart drop slightly, but hope was soon restored with what he said next:

"But I'm glad that you're here."

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