Sorry {Bokuto Koutarou}

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You stared at the screen of your phone for the longest time during class, trying to decide whether or not you should respond to your boyfriend's text. The professor was too busy lecturing to notice you not paying attention in amongst the many students in the lecture hall.

"Can I talk to you later?" Bokuto had texted you before the beginning of class. The two of you had gotten into a big fight earlier this morning seemingly for no apparent reason. Your classes and your sports had been stressing the two of you out, and you'd ended up lashing out at each other. It had gotten pretty nasty, but you'd only shouted back at him because he'd started yelling at you. It was just another one of those days it seemed...

"Whatever," you texted back. You then sighed quietly and turned your phone off before focusing on the professor's lecture again.

Ever since your argument, you had been keeping your distance since you'd been really hurt by the way Bokuto had yelled at you. However, as the day wore on, your boyfriend had started texting you, but you had only responded with one-word answers, hoping he got the point loud and clear that you were still mad.


After class was over, you'd pulled your phone out of you bag only to find another text message from your persistent boyfriend.

"I'm walking back to the apartment with you. Let's meet in our normal spot."

"I'm already halfway home, so don't bother," you lied. You frowned as you sent the text message, but the truth was that you weren't quite ready to have a conversation with him yet.

You put your phone back into your purse before heading back to your apartment by yourself. It was commonplace in your relationship for Bokuto to walk with you back the apartment the two of you shared so that both of you could talk about your day and so that he could fetch some snacks before he got changed and left for practice. This time, however, you'd much rather go home and spend some time by yourself.


When you got home, you tossed your bag onto the floor by the couch and plopped down onto the rug on the floor. You grabbed the remote for the television off the table and turned it on, searching for something mind-numbing to watch.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Bokuto trudged inside, dropping his backpack down onto the floor by the wall. He looked over at you, and his gold eyes made contact with your own (e/c) ones before you looked away, refusing to speak. Sensing the tension in the air, Bokuto cautiously walked into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks before heading into the bedroom to change.

As Bokuto was getting ready for practice, there was a knock on the door, so you got up to answer it.

"Hey, (f/n)!" You opened your door to find your neighbor, another girl who attended the same college, standing in front of you.

"Oh, hey," you said listlessly and pushed a few strands of (h/l) (h/c) hair away from your face, "What do you need?"

"Bokuto-san wanted to talk to me... Is he here?" she explained.

You felt your jaw clench and your hand ball itself up into a fist. Your blood boiled, but you tried your best to keep your composure. "I'm sure he'll be out—"

"Hey! (Girl's name)! I'm on my way to practice, but let's talk on the way there!" You turned when you heard your boyfriend's voice and saw him walking towards the door. He was dressed in his volleyball clothes for practice and had the rest of his gear in a bag slung over his shoulder, as well as some snacks he'd taken from the kitchen in his hand. "I'll see you after practice, (f/n)." He tried to kiss your lips, but you turned away, averting his lips to your cheek.


When he left, shutting the door behind him, you mumbled and grumbled to yourself about the situation, and headed to the bedroom. Bokuto talked to that girl quite enough already, since they were in the same class, but now he was talking to her outside of class? What was going on? You didn't usually get this jealous, but it was hard not to when you were already in such a bad mood. Even though the two of you were still fighting, you still loved him and refused to let him go.

You climbed into bed and laid down underneath the covers, curling up into a ball. You snatched Bokuto's pillow and held it close to your body, pressing your face into it and breathing in his comforting scent. Even though you were the one pushing him away, you still felt neglected.


You didn't realize that you'd fallen asleep until the sound of the door opening woke you up. You sighed quietly and glanced over at Bokuto as he entered the bedroom and headed straight into the bathroom without a word.

After he'd taken his shower and had gotten dressed, he walked back into the living room. When he returned, you looked over at him to see that he had bunches of flowers and a toy owl in his arms.

"(F/n)..." he began quietly, watching you with a pleading look in his golden eyes.

There was a long silence as he set his peace offerings down on the bed before crawling into it next to you and reaching for you. You backed away, however, avoiding his touch. "Koutarou, what's going on between you and (girl's name)?" you asked briskly.

His eyes widened and he looked taken aback by your question. "Nothing is going on between me and (girl's name)! The only reason I wanted to talk to her was because she's a girl and I wanted her opinion on what I should get you to love me again," he explained. The last part that he said made your heart sink slightly. He moved closer to you and started nuzzling your face with his, making you blush.

"Koutarou..." you spoke quietly, savoring and enjoying his touch instead of moving away from it.

"(F/n), do you still love me?! Do you think that this is enough for you to forgive me? I'm sorry about everything I said earlier today. I should treat you better than that since you mean so much to me," he told you honestly, his golden eyes gazing into your own.

Before you could answer, he pressed a gentle kiss against your lips. You didn't do anything at first, but after a few moments, you returned the favor and kissed him back. You felt his warm and comforting embrace wrap around you and pull you closer to him, and you put your hands on the sides of his face.

"I never stopped loving you and I never will," you assured him, smiling softly as his lips fluttered across the rest of your skin on your face and neck, sending tingles through your body.

Bokuto's face lit up with a bright smile. "Hey, hey, hey! That's my girlfriend! So dedicated!" he commented, making you giggle slightly.

"I'm sorry too. That argument was my fault as well," you apologized.

"Don't worry about it at all. It was mostly my fault. So, I bought your favorite meal from your favorite restaurant to make it up to you, as well as all of these other lovely gifts," he said, pecking your cheek gently.

"Thank you," you murmured with a smile as you kissed him in return, running your hand through his soft white and black hair, which was still damp from the shower he'd taken.

You gave him a hug, and there was a long silence as the two of you enjoyed each other's company without saying anything. As annoying and as loud as he could be sometimes, he was one of the most caring guys you'd ever met, and you learned to love all of his little imperfections. Even though the two of you fought from time to time, you always forgave each other because your relationship was more important than anything else, and you loved one another no matter what.

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